Abbernacki 0 Newbie Poster

I am attempting to create 2 fields that will create decimals so that I can take these decimals and create a percentage in a new field.

Here is what I have and I can't seem to get the errors gone.

WOAVG = IIf("[WOIssued]=0", "", Val(Nz(WOCompleted, 0)) / Val(Nz(WOIssued, 0)))

PMSAVG = IIf("[PMSIssued]=0", "", Val(Nz(PMSCompleted, 0)) / Val(Nz(PMSIssued, 0)))

basically I want these fields to calculate nothing if the field issued field is 0 but if it reads any number other than 0 I want it to divide the completed tasks by the issued tasks

Please advice how I should rewrite this.