violette 0 Junior Poster in Training

This code supposedly generate a web chart but it does not work. How is the correct way to bind data using SQL into web chart. thank you all :)

Function GetReader() As IDataReader

       Dim strSQL As String

       strSQL = " SELECT aa.alert_id, "

       strSQL = strSQL & " (SELECT alert_value a "
       strSQL = strSQL & " FROM company_alert a "
       strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE a.alert_id=aa.alert_id AND a.stock_code='" & bplc & "'  AND year_id= '" & byear1 & "' AND a.period_id= 0 ) AS b1 , "

       strSQL = strSQL & " (SELECT alert_value b "
       strSQL = strSQL & " FROM company_alert b "
       strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE b.alert_id=aa.alert_id AND b.stock_code='" & bplc & "'  AND year_id= '" & byear2 & "' AND b.period_id= 0 ) AS b2 "

       strSQL = strSQL & " FROM ref_alert aa "

       Return Command.ToString()
   End Function

   Protected Sub Chart()

       Dim reader3 As IDataReader = GetReader()
       Dim reader4 As IDataReader = GetReader()

       Dim chart3 As New WebChart.ColumnChart()
       chart3.DataXValueField = "alert_id"
       chart3.DataYValueField = "b1"
       chart3.DataSource = reader3
       chart3.Fill.Color = Drawing.Color.LightGray
       chart3.DataLabels.Visible = True
       chart3.DataLabels.NumberFormat = "0.00"
       chart3.Legend = byear1

       Dim chart4 As New WebChart.ColumnChart()
       chart4.DataXValueField = "alert_id"
       chart4.DataYValueField = "b2"
       chart4.DataSource = reader4
       chart4.Fill.Color = Drawing.Color.Orange
       chart4.DataLabels.Visible = True
       chart4.DataLabels.NumberFormat = "0.00"
       chart4.Legend = byear1

   End Sub
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