Hi, I'm having trouble to filter a Customer Set by the date of his first buy(First Activity).

I've tried this two ways:

  1. Returns all customers, even with FirstActivity Null

    SELECT {
    [Measures].[Valor Item],
    [Measures].[First Activity]
    } ON 0,
    { [CLIENTE].[Cliente].[Cliente].Members },
    ( [Measures].[First Activity], [Time].[Year].&[2012-01-01T00:00:00] ).Count > 2
    } ON 1

  2. Return customers that FirstActivity is not null but is outside the Year specified(In this case 2012).

    SELECT {
    [Measures].[Valor Item],
    [Measures].[First Activity]
    } ON 0,
    { [CLIENTE].[Cliente].[Cliente].Members },
    ( [Measures].[First Activity], [Time].[Year].&[2012-01-01T00:00:00] )
    } ON 1

Any help is appreciated.

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