hello friend

i have two website . both hosted on diff. server

now what i need is to connect second website database from first website


when user register on first website a insert query should also make on second website database.

can you tell me how can i write my conenction string:

server1:rs397.secureserver.com (database: abc) , website 1: www.example1.com
server2:rs455.secureserver.com (database: 3214), website 2: www.example2.com

waiting for any one urgent reply
vr4indian@yahoo.com is my email id or you can also reply on this message

You can't use one connection string; you need two and you will have to call te query twice. is there a reason you are storing the same info on two servers?

I believe mysql can support joining two tables from two databases, but im not sure if they are on different servers.

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