punkazz 0 Newbie Poster

It's me again...the newbie. I have a web application that I am developing for a school project. Quick overview; the user submits one of multiple different types of "requests" and then a technican begins work on the project. Anyway; with the help of others I have gotten the EXTREMELY long insert query complete and functional. My next step is to pull data for the "home page". The home page will show users a "summar" of requests that their name is associated to but is also (obviously) based on who is logged in. Anyway; I have created this query but it is returning NOTHING so I know it's not right but I'm not sure where I messed up...even though the query may not be done in the best manner this is all the data that i would need from my tables.

SELECT Project.ProjectID, RequestorName, BusinessUnitName, ProjectTypeName
FROM Project,Requestor,BusinessUnit,ProjectType, aspnet_Users, ProjectTechs
WHERE (Project.RequestorID = Requestor.RequestorID
AND Project.BusinessUnitID = BusinessUnit.BusinessUnitID
AND Project.ProjectTypeID = ProjectType.ProjectTypeID)
AND aspnet_Users.DisplayName = Requestor.RequestorName
OR aspnet_Users.DisplayName = ProjectTechs.UserId

Thank you; in advance! :D

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