Will demonstrate dumping the registers.
Register Dump
TITLE: Register Dump (RegDump.asm)
; Name:
; Filename: RegDump.asm
; Project #: 2
; Completed: February 09, 2003
; Description: My second assembly program. Will demonstrate
; dumping the registers. Demonstrates problems
; from Assembly Language For Intel-Based Computers,
; 4th Ed. by Kip R. Irvine. Problems are #1 on pg.
; 96, #1 on pg. 133 and #7 and #8 on pg. 134.
; Reference: Assembly Language For Intel-Based Computers,
; 4th Ed. by Kip R. Irvine
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
val1 SDWORD 8
val2 SDWORD -15
val3 SDWORD 20
source byte "This is the source string",0
target byte SIZEOF source DUP(0)
nameSize = ($ - source) - 1
msgIntro byte "This is My Name's second assembly program and I will",0dh,0ah
byte "demonstrate how to dump the registers using questions 1",0dh,0ah
byte "on page 96, question 1 on page 133, and question 7 and 8",0dh,0ah
byte "on page 134.",0dh,0ah
byte 0dh,0ah,0
msg1 byte "------------------------------------",0dh,0ah
byte "Demonstrating question 1 on page 96.",0dh,0ah
byte "------------------------------------",0dh,0ah,0
msg2 byte "-------------------------------------",0dh,0ah
byte "Demonstrating question 1 on page 133.",0dh,0ah
byte "-------------------------------------",0dh,0ah,0
msgAdd byte "Adding 0FFh and 1h in register al to set carry flag",0dh,0ah,0
msgSub byte "Subtracting 3h from 2h in register ax to set carry flag",0dh,0ah,0
msg3 byte "-------------------------------------",0dh,0ah
byte "Demonstrating question 7 on page 134.",0dh,0ah
byte "-------------------------------------",0dh,0ah,0
msgExpr byte "Solving expression EAX = -val2 + 7 - val3 + val1",0dh,0ah,0
msg4 byte "-------------------------------------",0dh,0ah
byte "Demonstrating question 8 on page 134.",0dh,0ah
byte "-------------------------------------",0dh,0ah,0
normOrd byte "Normal order:",0dh,0ah,0
revOrd byte "Reverse order:",0dh,0ah,0
main PROC
;///////Intro Message/////////////////////////////////
mov edx,OFFSET msgIntro ;intro message into edx
call WriteString ;display msgIntro
;///////Question 1 on page 96/////////////////////////
mov edx,OFFSET msg1 ;message 1 into edx
call WriteString ;display msg1
mov eax, 1000h ;1000h
mov ebx, 4000h ;4000h
mov ecx, 2000h ;2000h
sub ebx, eax ;4000h-1000h = 3000h
sub ebx, ecx ;3000h-2000h = 1000h
call DumpRegs ;display the registers
call WaitMsg ;use call WaitMsg from page 146 to pause
;///////Question 1 on page 133/////////////////////////
mov edx,OFFSET msg2 ;message 2 into edx
call WriteString ;display msg2
;Add to get carry flag
mov edx,OFFSET msgAdd ;message Add into edx
call WriteString ;display msgAdd
mov al,0FFh
add al,1h ;al=100h CF=1 Because result of add is 100 so only 00
;can go in the al register so the 1 is carried over
call DumpRegs ;display registers
;//Subtract to get carry flag
mov edx,OFFSET msgSub ;message Sub into edx
call WriteString ;display msgSub
mov ax,2h
sub ax,3h ;ax=FFFFh CF=1 Because larger int - from smaller int
call DumpRegs ;display the registers
call WaitMsg ;use call WaitMsg from page 146 to pause
;///////Question 7 on page 134/////////////////////////
mov edx,OFFSET msg3 ;message 3 into edx
call WriteString ;display msg3
mov edx,OFFSET msgExpr ;message Expr into edx
call WriteString ;display msgExpr
mov eax,val2 ;mov val2 FFFFFFF1h in eax
neg eax ;change sign of val2 in eax 0Fh
add eax,7 ;add seven to eax 016h
sub eax,val3 ;subtract val3 from eax 02h
add eax,val1 ;add val1 to eax 0Ah
call DumpRegs ;display the registers
call WaitMsg ;use call WaitMsg from page 146 to pause
;///////Question 8 on page 134/////////////////////////
mov edx,OFFSET msg4 ;message 4 into edx
call WriteString ;display msg4
;//Using part of (CopyStr.asm) Pg.130-131 for reference
mov esi,0 ;index register
mov ecx,SIZEOF source ;loop counter
L1: ;//Loop
mov al,source[esi] ;get a character from source
mov target[esi],al ;store it in the target
inc esi ;move to next character
loop L1 ;repeat for entire string
;//Print in normal order
mov edx,OFFSET normOrd ;message normOrd into edx
call WriteString ;display normOrd
mov esi,OFFSET target ;offset of variable
mov ebx,1 ;byte format
mov ecx,SIZEOF target-1 ;counter
call DumpMem ;display the block of memory in hex
call WaitMsg ;use call WaitMsg from page 146 to pause
;//Using part of (RevString.asm) Pg.157-158 for reference
;//Print in reverse order
mov edx,OFFSET revOrd ;message revOrd into edx
call WriteString ;display revOrd
mov ecx,nameSize ;push source on the stack
mov esi,0
L2: ;//Loop
movzx eax,source[esi] ;get character from source[esi] put in eax
push eax ;push on stack
inc esi
loop L2
;//Pop name in reverse and store in array
mov ecx,nameSize
mov esi,0
L3: ;//Loop
pop eax ;get characters form eax
mov source[esi],al ;store in string
inc esi
loop L3
mov esi,OFFSET source ;offset of variable
mov ebx,1 ;byte format
mov ecx,SIZEOF source-1 ;counter
call DumpMem ;display the block of memory in hex
main ENDP
END main
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