I hope I am postin gin the right spot.I am new to this site.
I need help with sorting the grades, please. Can anyone help?Thanks

using namespace std;

int main()
	double *grades;           //point used to point to an array that holds grad
	double total = 0.0;            // total of grades
	double average;              // holds the average grades
	int count;                 // loop counter
	int numGrades;			   //grades that will be processed

	//get the number of months
	cout <<"How many grades will be processed?" << endl;
	cin >>numGrades;

	//allocate memory for the number of grades
	grades= new double[numGrades];

	//Get the grades
	cout <<"enter the grades below."<< endl;
	for(count=0; count < numGrades; count++  )

	 cout << "Grade " << (count + 1) << ":";
	 cin >> grades[count];

	 //calculate the grades
	 for(count=0;count <numGrades;count++)
		 total += grades[count];
	 //calculate the average grades
	 average += total/numGrades;

	 //Display the results
	 cout << fixed <<showpoint << setprecision(1);
	 cout <<"\n\nTotal  Grades: " << total << endl;
	 cout <<"Average Grade: " << average << endl;

	 //Free dynamically allocated memory
	 delete [] grades;
	 grades= 0;


	return 0;

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you could use standard C function qsort(), c++ std::sort(), or write your own sort algorithm.

Thanks I really appreciate the help.

something is wrong with my bubble sort. Help from anyone. Thanks



using namespace std;

//function prototypes
 void bubbleSortArray(int [], int);
void displayArray(int[], int);

int main()
    int *grades;           //point used to point to an array that holds grad
    double total = 0.0;            // total of grades
    double average;              // holds the average grades
    int count;                 // loop counter
    int numGrades;             //grades that will be processed

    //get the number of months
    cout <<"How many grades will be processed?" << endl;
    cin >>numGrades;

    //allocate memory for the number of grades
    grades= new int[numGrades];

    //Get the grades
    cout <<"enter the grades below."<< endl;
    for(count=0; count < numGrades; count++  )

     cout << "Grade " << (count + 1) << ":";
     cin >> grades[count];

      cout <<"The values before the bubble sort array are:"<<endl;

      //sort the grades

      //Display the sorted values
      cout <<"The sorted grades are:\n.";

     //calculate the grades
     for(count=0;count <numGrades;count++)
         total += grades[count];

     //calculate the average grades
     average += total/numGrades;

     //Display the results
     cout << fixed <<showpoint << setprecision(1);
     cout <<"\n\nTotal  Grades: " << total << endl;
     cout <<"Average Grade: " << average << endl;

     //Free dynamically allocated memory
     delete [] grades;
     grades= 0;


    return 0;

// bubbleSortArray
// task: to sort values of an array in ascending order
// data in: the array, the array size
// data out: the sorted array
   void bubbleSortArray(int array[], int elems)
bool swap;
int grades;
int bottom = grades - 1; // bottom indicates the end part of the
// array where the largest values have
// settled in order
swap = false;
for (int count = 0; count < bottom; count++)
if (array[count] <= array[count+1])
{ // the next three lines do a swap
grades = array[count];
array[count] = array[count+1];
array[count+1] = grades;
swap = true; // indicates that a swap occurred
 bottom--; // bottom is decremented by 1 since each pass through
// the array adds one more value that is set in order
} while(swap != false);
// loop repeats until a pass through the array with
// no swaps occurs
// displayArray
// task: to print the array
// data in: the array to be printed, the array size
// data out: none
void displayArray(int array[], int numGrades) // function heading
{ // displays the array
for (int count = 0; count < numGrades; count++)
cout << array[count] << " " << endl;
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