Random Password Generator

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A Simple Function To Generate A Random Password Of A Given Set Of Characters

' /* In A Code Module Add This: */

Public Function Gen_Rand_Password(PassLength As Integer) As String
' /* Dimension A Variable To Contain The Random Password */
Dim RetVal As String

' /* Dimension Variables To Contain The Upper and Lower Random Boundaries */
Dim Max As Integer
Dim Min As Integer

' /* Set The Limits Of Min and Max To Character Codes Relevant To The Keyboard */
Max = 126
Min = 48

' /* Set The Random Number Generator, Using Timer as the Seed */
' /* This Makes The Psuedo-Random Number A Little More Random */
Randomize Timer

' /* You Can Change This To The Desired Length, 8 is Pretty Much A */
' /* Standard Password Length */
If PassLength < 8 Then
    ' /* Return From Function With An Error */
    Gen_Rand_Password = "error: invalid length"
End If

' /* Loop Until We Reach The Desired Length Of The Password */
For I = 1 To PassLength
    ' /* Concantenate (append) RetVal with Random Keyboard Character */
    RetVal = RetVal & Chr(Int((Max - Min + 1) * Rnd + Min))
Next I

' /* Return That Value To The Calling Procedure */
Gen_Rand_Password = RetVal
End Function

' /* In Your Form (or In Another Procedure) [Call It Like This] */
' /* The Value Passed To The Function (8, In This Case) */
' /* Is The Number Characters That Will Be Returned */
RandomPassword = Gen_Rand_Password(8)
willdove 0 Newbie Poster

How do I implment this into An Access form, so that I can create a random password to assign to users

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