I needed a 5 minute countdown for a project I was working on so I hacked this up, It does nothing more and nothing less. Figured I would post it while I was here to save someone else the trouble. (Not that it's in anyway difficult to do.)
5 minute count down timer
ddanbe commented: Nice! +6
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CountDownTimers
public class Fivemintimer
Timer T = new Timer();
int Minutes = 5;
int Seconds = 0;
public Fivemintimer()
T.Interval = 1000;
T.Tick += new EventHandler(T_Tick);
public delegate void onTimerFinishedDelegate();
public event onTimerFinishedDelegate onTimerFinished;
public delegate void onTimerChanged(FIVETimerEventArgs args);
public event onTimerChanged onTimerTick;
void T_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Minutes == 0 && Seconds == 0)
if (onTimerFinished != null)
if (Seconds == 0)
Seconds = 59;
if (onTimerTick != null)
onTimerTick(new FIVETimerEventArgs(Minutes, Seconds));
public void PlayPause()
if (T.Enabled)
public void Reset()
Minutes = 5;
Seconds = 0;
public bool Enabled
return T.Enabled;
public class FIVETimerEventArgs : EventArgs
public string TimeLeft;
public FIVETimerEventArgs(int min, int sec)
string S;
if (sec < 10)
S = "0" + sec.ToString();
S = sec.ToString();
TimeLeft = min.ToString() + ":" + S;
ddanbe 2,724 Professional Procrastinator Featured Poster
anders.blomqvist2 0 Newbie Poster
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kplcjl 17 Junior Poster
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