List of first work days of month for any year

TrustyTony 0 Tallied Votes 1K Views Share

To be more clear, I post this 'unnecessary optimization' of Vegaseat's code in new thread instead of end of old one. Just to show that this is even simpler than checking if given day is first weekday of the month.

"""Task: calculate this list (from vegaseat

All first workdays of each month in 2011:
 1) Mo  01/03/2011
 2) Tu  02/01/2011
 3) Tu  03/01/2011
 4) Fr  04/01/2011
 5) Mo  05/02/2011
 6) We  06/01/2011
 7) Fr  07/01/2011
 8) Mo  08/01/2011
 9) Th  09/01/2011
10) Mo  10/03/2011
11) Tu  11/01/2011
12) Th  12/01/2011


from datetime import date, timedelta

def first_workday(month, year):
    first = date(year, month, 1)
    if first.weekday() < 5:
        return first
    return first + timedelta(days=7-first.weekday())

year = 2011
for month in range(1,13):
    print(' %2i) %s' % (month, first_workday(month,year).strftime('%a %m/%d/%Y')))
# Produces three letter weekday name instead of two letters
TrustyTony 888 ex-Moderator Team Colleague Featured Poster

Not only way to do it of course (in spite of Python philosophy):

"""Task: calculate the list from vegaseat

from datetime import date, timedelta

def first_workday(month, year):
    first = date(year, month, 1)
    return first if first.weekday() < 5 else first.replace(day=8 - first.weekday())

def table(year = 2011):
    print('\n'.join(' %2i) %s' %
                    (month, first_workday(month,year).strftime('%a %m/%d/%Y'))
                    for month in range(1,13)))
    # Produces three letter weekday name instead of two letters

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