#define ID_FILE_EXIT 40001

#define ID_FILE_OPEN 40002

And all other things like this which have these number .Which number i can use for my own ID 's ?
And where i can find all of this?
I try a MSND but it took me too much time so i ...?

You can use any number for your own ID's

#define MY_ID 40001

This means that MY_ID = 40001, not that 40001 = MY_ID.

I try a MSND but it took me too much time so i ...?

So you ...?


You can use any number for your own ID's

#define MY_ID 40001

This means that MY_ID = 40001, not that 40001 = MY_ID.

If i put MY_ID = 40001
then i 1) obsolate with standards of automatic making little window od EXIT
2) then i must have message to put "EXIT"
3) create smaller window for put that message

Are you writing a windows GUI program? If yes, then you put all those numbers in resource.h file.

>And where i can find all of this?
The resource.h file in your programs project folder

>Are you writing a windows GUI program? If yes, then you put all those numbers in resource.h file.

Yes i write Windows API.

And where i can find all of this?
>The resource.h file in your programs project folder.

I do't have a project folder (anyway i do't understand what this mean).

I want a document who will give me information what numbers are enable to define but not to have a warning how i had a redefined the standard.
And i want to know how somebody might know how to use this. Where he finds this?
#define ID_FILE_EXIT 40001
#define ID_FILE_OPEN ....

>>I do't have a project folder (anyway i do't understand what this mean).
The project folder is the directory where you saved the C or C++ files. I hope you are not dumb enough to put them in the root directory of your computer.

In pure win32 api programs there are no files with standard numbers like ID_FILE_EXIT. You can use any numbers you want because they are only used in your program.

If you are writing an MFC program you will find the declarations in afxres.h which is located in your compiler's include directory. And in MFC its ID_FILE_CLOSE not ID_FILE_EXIT.

Yes ,you all have a right.
I just tested the program with .rc file and do not have any standards like this one ID_FILE_EXIT.
I thought that exist because when i learning turtorial it seems to me like i do not need to create small window for Menu and submenu,because i have IDD_FILE_EXIT .

Thank you all to clear my problems.

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