Hello all,
I am working on a program that takes input from a file, removes extra white spaces and outputs the edited text to another file.
So far my program deletes 1 whitespace whether the whitespace should be deleted or not.
I have read about peek() and putback(). I am pretty sure I need to implement these two functions but quite frankly I am not sure how to go about doing this.
I don't want anyone to just give me the answer I would really appreciate it if someone gave me a hint as to where my logic went south or my structure or enlighten me about some predefined function you think I may not be aware of.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void check_blank(ifstream& instream, ofstream& outstream);
int number = 0; //keeps track of how many spaces have been deleted
int main()
ifstream instream;
ofstream outstream;
bool t;
instream.open("hw4pr6input.txt"); //Open file: text to be edited
if(!instream.fail()) //Make sure file opened successfully
cout << "test from open";
//Call function that finds blanks and edits
cout << "File failed to open (1st)";
outstream.open("hw4pr6output.txt"); //Open file: edited text will go
if(!outstream.fail()) //Check if open failed
t = true;
check_blank(instream, outstream); //Call function to input edited text into file
cout << "File failed to open (2nd)";
cout << "Removed " << number
<< " blanks from file"
<< endl;
instream.close(); //Close both files
return 0;
} //End main
void check_blank(ifstream& instream, ofstream& outstream)
char a;
int count = 0; //Variable tells if there are multiple blank spaces
while(! instream.eof()) //While the file isn't at the end
if(a == ' ') //If the input is a space
//Add 1 to number & count
if(a == ' ' && count >= 2) //If there are 2 or more spaces then do this
outstream << ' ';
count = 0; //reset count
} //end inner if
} //end outer if
outstream << a;
}//end while
}//end check function
This is my input
This is my current output