Ok, I am tryin to use the proper coded way that a few of you have asked, so don't yell if I screw up the first time, please. I was able to debug and run, but had many errors, I have fixed several already, biggest problems are that if I type outside parameters like 12 for 12 spots, I get outside access memory. Here's the assignment, and its already late:
We must make a C++ code for a Keno game, which takes a Keno Playslip, and you can play a number of spots 1-10, also you can pick your own numbers between 1-80, or choose for a quik pik, of 1-80 picks. Also, you have to choose if your playing $1, $2, or $3 per draw. Next, you have to display a Keno monitor that will display the winning numbers.
class KenoPlaySlip
int spots;
int dollarAmount;
int numberOfDraws;
int *numbers;
int newnumbers;
int *getNumbers();
void setNumbers(int *newNumbers);
void displayKenoPlaySlip();
void prepareKenoPlaySlip();
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include "KenoPlaySlip.h"
using namespace std;
spots = 0;
dollarAmount = 0;
numberOfDraws = 0;
numbers = new int[spots];
int* KenoPlaySlip::getNumbers()
return numbers;
void KenoPlaySlip::setNumbers(int *newNumbers)
numbers = newNumbers;
void KenoPlaySlip::displayKenoPlaySlip()
cout << "Enter number of spots you want from 1-10: "<< endl;
cin >> spots;
for(int i=1; i < spots; i++)
cout << numbers[i] << ", ";
if(spots >0 && spots < 10)
cout << "You can only enter 1-10 spots" << endl;
cout << "Enter the newnumbers you want from 1-80 or enter QP for quik pik: "<< endl;
cin >> newnumbers;
for(int j=0; j < newnumbers; j++)
cout << newnumbers << " , ";
if(newnumbers > 0 && newnumbers < 81)
cout << "You can only enter 1-80 newnumbers: " << newnumbers << endl;
int random_integer;
for(int index=0; index<80; index++){
random_integer = (rand()%10)+1;
cout << random_integer << endl;
cout <<"Enter a dollar amount that you want per draw, $1, $2, or $3: "<< endl;
cin>> dollarAmount;
for(int k=1; k < dollarAmount; k++)
cout << dollarAmount << " ";
if(dollarAmount == 1 ||dollarAmount == 2 || dollarAmount == 3)
cout << "You can only enter $1, $2, or $3: " << endl;
cout<<"Enter how many consecutive draws you want to play, 1-5, 10, or 20: "<< endl;
cin >> numberOfDraws;
for(int l=1; l <= numberOfDraws; l++)
cout << numberOfDraws << " " << endl;
if(numberOfDraws < 1 || numberOfDraws > 5) && (numberOfDraws != 10) && (numberOfDraws != 21)
cout << "You can only enter number of Draws 1-5, 10, or 20: " << endl;
cout << numberOfDraws ;
#include <iostream>
#include "KenoPlaySlip.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
KenoPlaySlip slip;
return 0;