Hi, this is my first post i greet all the members.

I would like for someone 2 please explaing the Essence of Assembly programming in 2days world where every 5 years latter a new HL programming language emerges. I have already studied 8086 assembly language and worked on it (not as professional but as rookiee) at first it seems very thrilling but as you work on it u can't leave it the only dialma that I have is when we spend lot of time coding in asm it feels like we are dragged behind I don't really know why is it because I somewere feel that "why to do it all over again when it is already done" although I love to code in assembly but still if someone can motivate me more I will be very happy with my asm....

regards AsmP

awaiting reply....

it exists because it can be very fast and small code as its almost 1:1 with the compiled binary - thats why asm is popular with things where size/speed is important e.g embedded applications.

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