unable to return value from following function - adds two matrix class objects
mat operator + (mat &m1,mat &m2)  // mat is a class for matrices
	int r1=m1.getrow(); // getrow returns number of rows
	int r2=m2.getrow();
	int c1=m1.getcol(); //getcol returns number of cols
	int c2=m2.getcol();
		cout<<endl<<"Addition not possible.";
		mat m3(r1,c1);
		for(int i=0;i<r1;i++)
			for(int j=0;j<c1;j++)


You need to create a new mat object inside that function, add the two matrixes parameters together then return it. I think this is a good candidate to use the throw statement if the two matrices can not be added.

mat operator + (mat &m1,mat &m2)  // mat is a class for matrices
	int r1=m1.getrow(); // getrow returns number of rows
	int r2=m2.getrow();
	int c1=m1.getcol(); //getcol returns number of cols
	int c2=m2.getcol();
mat m3(r1,c1); // <<<<<<<
		cout<<endl<<"Addition not possible.";
throw; // <<<<  ?????		
		for(int i=0;i<r1;i++)
			for(int j=0;j<c1;j++)
  return m3; // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< here
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