I have a .txt file that contains a lot of text. I will read the whole text file and output a new textfile with one change that is this:

The txt file that I will read could for example look like this:

Value1 Value2 Value3[]
Value4 Value5[]

What I am trying to do is to change all "[" to "x["
So the lines will look like this instead:

Value1 Value2 Value3x[]
Value4 Value5x[]

What could be the approach I will think about here ?

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std::ifstream fin( "file1.txt" ) ;
std::ofstream fout( "file2.txt" ) ;
fin >> std::noskipws ;
char ch ;
while( fin >> ch )
  if( ch == '[' ) fout << 'x' ;
  fout << ch ;

That worked great.

Thanks for that solution. /j

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