I have to make a program that takes a user entered deposit and interest rate and then calculates the balance for 5 years. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I always use the deposit amount of 1000 and interest rate of 5 therefore for the five years the balance should be

  1. 1050
  2. 1102
  3. 1157
  4. 1214
  5. 1274

I don't get this I get

  1. 6000
  2. 36000
  3. 216000
  4. 1296000

its not even 5 years and the values are wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated. Here is my code.

#Program to:
 #Calculate the new balance after each year for a deposit and 
 #an interest rate entered by the user for five years. 

 .data 				#variable used follow this line
 promptDeposit:	.asciiz "Enter the deposit amount:"
 promptRate:	.asciiz "Enter the interest rate in percent form:"
 promptBB:	.asciiz "Beginning Balance:"
 promptD:	.asciiz "Deposit:"
 promptIR:	.asciiz "Interest rate:"
 promptNL:	.asciiz "\n"

 .text 				#program's code after this line

	li	$v0,	4		# System call code for print string
	la	$a0,	promptDeposit 	# Load address of the promptDeposit string
	syscall 			# call OS to Print promptDeposit

	li 	$v0,	5 		# System call code for read integer
	syscall 			# call OS to Read integer into $v0

	move 	$s0,	$v0 		# Move the integer into $s0

	li	$v0,	4		# System call code for print string
	la	$a0,	promptRate 	# Load address of the promptRate string
	syscall 			# call OS to Print promptRate

	li 	$v0,	5 		# System call code for read integer
	syscall 			# call OS to Read integer into $v0

	move 	$s1,	$v0 		# Move the integer into $s1
	li	$v0,	4
	la	$a0,	promptD

	move	$a0,	$s0
	li	$v0,	1

	li	$v0,	4
	la	$a0,	promptNL

	li	$v0,	4
	la	$a0,	promptIR
	move	$a0,	$s1
	li	$v0,	1

	li	$v0,	4
	la	$a0,	promptNL
	jal CompBal

	#Exits Program
	li 	$v0,	10		#System call code to Exit
	syscall				#call OS to Exit the program

	sw	$ra,	($sp)

	li	$v0,	4
	la	$a0,	promptBB

	move	$a0,	$s0
	li	$v0,	1

	li	$v0,	4
	la	$a0,	promptNL

	li	$t0,	0
	li	$t1,	4
	li	$t3,	100
	div	$s1,	$t3
	mfhi	$s1

		mult	$s0,	$s1
		mflo	$t2
		add	$s0,	$t2,	$s0
		addi	$t0,	$t0,	1

		move	$a0,	$s0
		li	$v0,	1

		li	$v0,	4
		la	$a0,	promptNL

		bne	$t0,	$t1,	loop
	jr $ra

is there any information that I can further provide to gain help with this problem?(BTW I couldn't find the edit post option so thats why I am posting a reply)

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