Hello everyone, i need some help with my project. I wish retrieve data from a database onto a combo box on a VB form. I can add data on one form which is stored on the database however i need the same data to be updated on a combo box on another form within the same application. Is there anyone out there who knows what code will update the data in the combobox everytime new data is stored within the database? Any one who knows the answer to my query will be greatly appreciated if you can help me.....

Drag the combobox on your form, you will see a small arrow above the top right combobox press on it and assign it a datasource(it's a wizard) just follow it.

yep ive got that all there but stillwhen i run it there is no data in the combo box when it exists in the database....should i reconnect the database?

on what database?

i am using access........the problem is that when i enter data on one form and save it, the data gets stored in the database. I need the same data to upload in a combo box. Its really weird your first suggestion did not work. I thought you can do it all in the propeties too. There is no data in the combo box so there must be sumtin wrong with the connection right?

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