My program compiles and runs okay, but is not displaying my restocking fee and I am not sure why. Attached is my printout of how it displays.

// works with file

import java.util.Scanner; // program uses class Scanner
public class Product4
    //Private Variables

    private String name;               //Product name
    private int identificationNumber;  //The product identification number
    private int unitsInStock;          //Number of units in stock
    private double unitPriceInDollars; //The price of each unit in dollars
	 private double restockFee;         //price for restocking units


    //Default constructor
    public Product4()
        //Set some default values for each private variable
        name                  = "";
        identificationNumber  = 0;
		  unitsInStock          = 0;
        unitPriceInDollars    = 0.00;
		  restockFee            = 0.00;

    }//End Inventory constructor

    Product4 inventory [] = new Product4 [5];

    //Initialization constructor
    public Product4(
                    String nameIn, int identificationNumberIn, 
						  int unitsInStockIn, double unitPriceInDollarsIn, double restockFeeIn

        //Set the item name--use the set methods to enforce bounds checking
        setName( nameIn );

        //Set the item identifcation number
        setIdentificationNumber( identificationNumberIn );

        //Set the number of units in stock
        setUnitsInStock( unitsInStockIn );

        //Set the unit price in dollars
        setUnitPriceInDollars( unitPriceInDollarsIn );
    }//End Inventory constructor

    //Stores the item name
    public void setName( String nameIn )
        name = nameIn; //Store the item name

    }//End setName

    //Stores the product identification number
    public void setIdentificationNumber( int identificationNumberIn )
        //Store the item identification number
        // If the value is negative, then store 0
        identificationNumber = ( (identificationNumberIn > 0) ? identificationNumberIn : 0 );

    }//End setID
    //Stores the number of units in stock
    public void setUnitsInStock( int unitsInStockIn )
        //Store the number of units in stock
        // If the value is negative, then store 0
        unitsInStock = ( (unitsInStockIn > 0)?unitsInStockIn:0 );

    }//End setUnitsInStock

    //Stores the price of each unit in dollars
    public void setUnitPriceInDollars( double unitPriceInDollarsIn )
        //Store the unit price
        // If the value is negative, then store 0.0
        unitPriceInDollars = ( (unitPriceInDollarsIn > 0.0)?unitPriceInDollarsIn:0.0);
    }//End setUnitPriceInDollars
    //Stores the item restock fee
    public void setRestockFee( double restockFeeIn )
        restockFee = ( (restockFeeIn > 0.0)?restockFeeIn:0.0 ); //Store the item restock fee

    }//End setRestockFee

    //Returns the item name
    public String getName()
        return ( name ); //Return the identification name

    } // End getName

    //Returns the item identification number
    public int getIdentificationNumber()
        return ( identificationNumber ); //Return the identification number

    }//End getIdentificationNumber

    //Returns the number of units in stock
    public int getUnitsInStock()
        return( unitsInStock ); //Return the number of units in stock

    }//End getUnitsInStock

    //Returns the price of each unit
    public double getUnitPriceInDollars()
        return( unitPriceInDollars ); //Return the unit price

    }//End getUnitPriceInDollars
	 //Returns the restocking fee
	 public double getRestockFee()
	 	  return( restockFee );
    //Other Methods

    //Returns the total value of the inventory in dollars
    public double stockValueInDollars()
        return ( unitsInStock * unitPriceInDollars );

    }//End stockValueInDollars
    //Returns a formatted String for output purposes
    public String toString()
        String formatString = "Identification Number : %d\n";
        formatString       += "Product               : %s\n";
        formatString       += "Units In Stock        : %d\n";
        formatString       += "Unit Price            : $%.2f\n";
        formatString       += "Stock Value           : $%.2f\n\n";
		  formatString       += "Restocking Fee        : $%.2f\n";

        return ( String.format( formatString, identificationNumber, name, unitsInStock,
                                unitPriceInDollars, stockValueInDollars(), restockFee )

    }//End toString()

	//Display an array of products and their value
		public static void listInventory ( Product4 inventory[] )
			//Print each product
			for ( Product4 product:inventory )
				//Print product
				System.out.println( product.toString () );
				}//End for
			System.out.printf( "Total Inventory Value: $%.2f\n", totalValue ( inventory ) );
			}//End method listInventory()

   //Calculate and return total value of inventory
	public static double totalValue( Product4 inventory[] )
		double inventoryValue = 0.0;
		for ( Product4 product: inventory )
			//Add the total value of this product to the total value of inventory
			inventoryValue += product.stockValueInDollars();
			}//End enhanced for
			return ( inventoryValue ); //returns the value of all inventory
		}//End totalValue method
	//Overloads the String objects compareTo() function so Product can be compared and sorted
	public int compareTo ( Product4 aProduct )
	//Compare the name of this product to the passed Product ( aProduct )
	return( name.compareTo ( aProduct.getName() ) );
	//Sorts the Product array by name
	public static void sortAlphabetical ( Product4 inventory[] )
	Product4 temp; //for swapping
	int bottom;
	int i;
	//This is called a bubble sort
	for (bottom = inventory.length-1; bottom > 0; bottom--)
		for ( i = 0; i < bottom; i ++ )
		//If inventory[i] is lexographically greater than inventory[i+1], then swap the two around
		if ( inventory[i].compareTo ( inventory[i+1] ) > 0 )
			//swap inventory[i] with inventory[i+1]
			temp = inventory[i];
			inventory[i] = inventory[i+1];
			inventory[i+1] = temp;
		}//End if
	}//End for
}//End for
}//End alphabetical sort method
}//End class Product


//Works with file

import java.util.Arrays; 
public class Inventory4
    public static void main( String args[] )
	 double restockFee = 0.05;
//Declare and initialize the inventory array
  Product4 inventory []; //Array variables

  //Size of the array
  inventory = new Product4[5];

  //Initialize each array using the Product Constructor
  inventory[0] = new Product4("HP BLACK", 1, 3, 72.91, 3.65);
  inventory[1] = new Product4("HP 41 COLOR", 2, 2, 21.29, 1.06);
  inventory[2] = new Product4("HP 78 TRI-COLOR", 3, 4, 22.45, 1.12);
  inventory[3] = new Product4("HP 102 Gray", 4, 16, 22.99, 1.15);
  inventory[4] = new Product4("HP Black", 5, 14, 13.60, 0.68);

//Sorts the Array Variables
Product4.sortAlphabetical ( inventory );
	int x = inventory[0].compareTo ( inventory [1] );
	System.out.println ( x+"\n" );
		for ( int i=0; i<5; i++ )
		System.out.println ( inventory[i].toString() );

//Display each product in the array, including the total value of inventory
	Product4.listInventory( inventory );
}	//End main

} //End Array Inventory4

I appreciate whatever assistance is offered. Thank you.

I fixed my problem, I forget to SET it. Thanks.

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