Csait 0 Newbie Poster


So my applet: image (in a Canvas object), drop down list, radio box group, and a submit button.
Have 2 problems that I need to figure out:

The applet is working the way it should until submit button processing, it gets parameters from web page that it's embedded in and all and uses that information in the init() to modify the applet so that it's shown correctly. Then it gathers information from the user interfacing with the applet (Select drop down choice (direction), select radio button choice (antenna), click on the image (CanvasMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)), that's when I hit first problem.

1. I'm newish to applets and I'm unsure how I manipulate the Image that is placed on the canvas in order to place another image, (basically a box with a number and an arrow going off it) on top of the other image that was already loaded into the canvas. The file doesn't need to change until it is done getting info from all the different radio box options, so I don't really need to repaint although that would be nice. Can this be done with a BufferedImage and if so what would I need to do??

2. Once all the data has been gathered I then need to kill the applet and progress to the next page in the Web Application, the file changes can be persisted through just over-writing the file, but how do I obtain all the other information that was input into the applet? I have an Antenna Class that I made that is storing all the information from the different radio box options (antenna choices) is there a way to pass this object back to the web application? Is it possible to create another file from an applet, so that I can maybe just parse out all the information, or can I store it all in a DB? As I mentioned I'm new-ish to applets so I'm not exactly sure what you can do with them.

Any help would be appreciate :)

Oh if it matters at all the Web app and applet are being created in Netbeans 6.0 with visual tools