hkarthik 0 Light Poster

hi all,

I have some doubts regarding this VSTO 2005.

Visual studio tools for office(vsto), actually this tool is used for editing and retrieving the settings or information or adding a new property into word, excel.... isnt it?

Can we make changes to the applications like word, excel etc.... usning Visual Studio 2005 pro. If so how?

Does VSTO comes as an add on to Visual studio 2005 pro. If yes, then how to implement this feature on VS2005 pro

If no, how can we get this VSTO installed with VS 2005 pro.

Can we download the VSTO 2005 software, is it a freeware from microsoft? If it costs means how much?

Can we use visual basic for making changes to applications like word,excel. If yes, then how to do it? Do we need to add any plugin to visual basic.

Please help me get rid of this confusion.
