Does anyone know of a component to allow programmatically reading a PDF?

U can try and use RvRenderPDF component(I have used it in Delphi Application) together with RvProject component, RvSystem Component

In your coding u can specifing by the URL of the directory containing your PDF file and execute it.


  procedure display_pdf;
    var pdf_url: String;

        l_popup_page_name: string;
        l_popup_page_options: string;
        l_popup_parameter: String;
      pdf_url:= WebApplication.ReferringURL + '/files(Were ur PDF file is!!)/'
          + l_session_id_segment+ '/'+ l_pdf_file_name;

      l_popup_page_name:= 'the_report';
      l_popup_page_options:= 'scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=300';
      l_popup_parameter:= 'NewWindow("'
          + l_pdf_url
          + '", "'+ l_popup_page_name
          + '","'+ l_popup_page_options
          + '");';

    end; // display_pdf


I hope this will help you or lead you to a better help.


is there any thing like that on Delphi 7?

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