Does anybody have any idea why the following code causes a memory error?
Thanks everybody in advance :D

#include <stddef.h>	// some older implementations lack <cstddef>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <deque>
#include <set>

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

typedef double element_t;

using namespace std;

vector<double> result_times; // results are puched into this vector

const char header[] = 
		"\tvector with pointers"
		"\tvector with iterators" 

void do_head()
	cout << "size" << header << '\n';

int do_tail()
	// in case you want to stop for confirmation in a windows console application
	//char c;
	//cin >> c;
	return 0;

void do_row(int size)
	cout << size;
	cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < result_times.size(); ++i) 
		cout << '\t' << result_times[i];
	cout << '\n';

clock_t start_time;

inline void start_timer() { start_time = clock(); }

inline double timer()
  clock_t end_time = clock();
  return (end_time - start_time)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

typedef void(*Test)(element_t*, element_t*, int);
void run(Test f, element_t* first, element_t* last, int number_of_times)
	while (number_of_times-- > 0) f(first,last,number_of_times);

void array_test(element_t* first, element_t* last, int number_of_times)
       element_t* array = new element_t[last - first];
       copy(first, last, array);
       sort(array, array + (last - first));
       unique(array, array + (last - first));
       delete [] array;	  

void vector_pointer_test(element_t* first, element_t* last, int number_of_times)
       vector<element_t> container(first, last);
	   // &*container.begin() gets us a pointer to the first element
       sort(&*container.begin(), &*container.end());
       unique(&*container.begin(), &*container.end());

void vector_iterator_test(element_t* first, element_t* last, int number_of_times)
       vector<element_t> container(first, last);
       sort(container.begin(), container.end());
       unique(container.begin(), container.end());

void deque_test(element_t* first, element_t* last, int number_of_times)
//       deque<element_t> container(first, last); CANNOT BE USED BECAUSE OF MVC++ 6
	deque<element_t> container(size_t(last - first), 0.0);
	copy(first, last, container.begin()); 
	sort(container.begin(), container.end());
	unique(container.begin(), container.end());
void list_test(element_t* first, element_t* last, int number_of_times)
       list<element_t> container(first, last);
void set_test(element_t* first, element_t* last, int number_of_times)
       set<element_t> container(first, last);

void multiset_test(element_t* first, element_t* last, int number_of_times)
       multiset<element_t> container(first, last);
       typedef multiset<element_t>::iterator iterator;
			iterator first = container.begin();
			iterator last = container.end();

			while (first != last) {
				iterator next = first;
				if (++next == last) break;
				if (*first == *next)

void initialize(element_t* first, element_t* last)
  element_t value = 0.0;
  while (first != last) {
	 *first++ = value;
	 value += 1.;

double logtwo(double x)
  return log(x)/log((double) 2.0);

const int largest_size = 1000000;

int number_of_tests(int size) {
	double n = size;
	double largest_n = largest_size;
	return int(floor((largest_n * logtwo(largest_n)) / (n * logtwo(n))));

void run_tests(int size)
	const int n = number_of_tests(size);
	const size_t length = 2*size;

// make a random test set of the chosen size:
  vector<element_t> buf(length);
  element_t* buffer = &buf[0];
  element_t* buffer_end = &buf[length];
  initialize(buffer, buffer + size);		// elements
  initialize(buffer + size, buffer_end);	// duplicate elements
  random_shuffle(buffer, buffer_end);

// test the containers:
  run(array_test, buffer, buffer_end, n);
  run(vector_pointer_test, buffer, buffer_end, n);
  run(vector_iterator_test, buffer, buffer_end, n);
  run(deque_test, buffer, buffer_end, n);
  run(list_test, buffer, buffer_end, n);
  run(set_test, buffer, buffer_end, n);
  run(multiset_test, buffer, buffer_end, n);

int main()
  const int sizes [] = {10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000};
  const int n = sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(int);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) run_tests(sizes[i]);
  return do_tail();

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All 4 Replies

Holy cow kid. Can you give us a little more to work on then that? What error are you getting?

As well as telling us what the error(s) are, also tell us which OS and compiler you're using.
Your comments make mention in several places about breakage with specific implementations.

Hi everybody and sorry for the delay but I had to do some things.
Now concerning your questions:

1. I am using Visual studio 2008 and Xp
2. The error I get is the following: "Microsoft visual studio C Runtime library has detected a fatal error in ....exe"

Now I think I have to clarify some things concerning this code:

I am working on a project at the moment that requires code with a very fast execution time. In addition, there is a big amount of user defined data which has to be stored somewhere efficiently concerning always the aforementioned execution speed issue.

Since I am not a so experienced programmer, before I go on, with designing the required interfaces and implementations I decided to give a try on different data structures to see which one of them is the fastest. During that process I found this code on the net which looked to me like sth that could spare me some time on deciding which data structure to use.

This code was written originally from Alex Stepanov and Bjarne Stroustrup.... back in 1992. Unfortunately, like you already know it does'nt run (or at least I cannot bring it to run).

I would really appreciate if you could help find why it does'nt run successfully.

I think this code could reveal us all in praxis which container is the fastest and could be helpful for all the forum users. Theoretically anybody could claim that STL containers are faster or the opposite ors th else. But why not see it in praxis.

Thansk again for your time.

element_t* buffer_end = &buf[length-1];

btw. this is not working on VS2008
// &*container.begin() gets us a pointer to the first element
but it work on gcc :P

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