Hi friends,

I want (a C++ code) to hide a process in kernel 2.6, I don't want monitoring even in /proc.
please help me.


Thanks a lot Murderotica, but do you know any code for hiding? this code renames the process, but I want to hide completely.
Thanks for your attention:).
Best Wishes.

I've got to ask why you feel the need to do this...

Dear Salem,
It is my university's project, I want to hide process in Linux kernel 2.6, any process is acceptable (for example just hiding an editor like VIM, or ... or hiding all processes), thanks for your helps.
Best Regards,

please guide me, any related code? any guideling?

Modify the kernel source code for ps , top ,etc whatever command is available for listing processes , recompile linux kernel to build a new image , boot that image.
Btw you have got a tough homework.

It's probably to hide from the casual snooper, not someone who knows what they're doing.

Dear ithelp, thanks a lot for your guide, can you explain more about this way? I want more clues please, if it is possible:) this way which you show me is so new to me, Dear Salem, thanks for your step by step attention, I had some ideas for example using threads, by this way we call the true expected program through threads, because the thread's name is same as parent process's name, probably by killing, we can hide the process. what is your idea about this solution? is it efficient?
Thanks a lot,

any idea?

Dear Friends, please guide me more, if you have any idea.

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