buffdaemon_live 0 Newbie Poster

I have two OUs OU=Student and OU=Teachers and my root OU is


in the Student OU i have three computers named Std1,Std2,Std3 and three computers in Teachers OU named Tea1,Tea2,Tea3

I am writing a VBA script in Excel in which i want to display my Computers in that OU in a excel spreadsheets.

Computer Name Description OU

Std1 Student Computers Student

Std2 Student Computers Student

...................List goes on.......list of all computers in Student OU and Teachers OU

This is my script but its not working can anyone help me?

Sub ListDomains()
    Dim objNameSpace
    Dim Domain
    Dim ou
    Dim pcs
    Set objNameSpace = GetObject("LDAP://dc=test,dc=labs,dc=edu")
    For Each objDomain In objNameSpace
      ou = objDomain.Name
    objDomain.Filter = Array("Computer")
    For Each objComputer In objDomain
    pcs = objComputer.Name
    Dim i
    For i = 0 To pcs.Count - 1
    Cells(i, 1) = pcs
End Sub