
I am a new programmer - I'm taking a course of C++ programming in College.

I have a quick question - well, I hope it's quick.

After I create a program and try to run the program, the .exe file will pop up and in less than a second disappear.

This does this with ALL of the programs that I have used.

What could be causing this?

I'm currently on Windows Vista.

Thank you for your time!


You can add cin.get(); at the end of main before your return 0;.

I'm guessing your programs don't have any user input or any pauses. Console applications close when they are done.

Thank you, this helped much. ;)

return 0;
use that at the end of ur main method should work:)

return 0;
use that at the end of ur main method should work:)

I think using system("pause"); is not recommended.

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