Hello Friends...

I am completely newbie to XML..And I am a php developer...
I heard that XML can be used in the replacement of our databases...Is it right???
What is the purpose of XML to be used in our project....What are the advantages and disadavantages of XML...And How to use XML with php scripts...

I need information on this very urgently.....

Thanks in Advance...


I heard that XML can be used in the replacement of our databases...Is it right???

Not quite. XML is just a file-based text file after all. But you can do with XML (or XML code libraries) same things: get/put/update/delete data.

What is the purpose of XML to be used in our project....

You decide if you need XML in your project.

What are the advantages and disadavantages of XML...

Compared to "real" DB?
- cost
- more portable data between apps and platforms
- unusable for high volume data
just to mention a few points.

And How to use XML with php scripts...

You may want to ask that question in a PHP forum. And the XML has been around for so long that you'll certainly find examples with some googling.

If you're familiar with some DB and you can use it in your project, stick with it. If your requirements can be fulfilled with XML and you do have time to learn how to program apps to use XML, then learn and use it. I bet it's worth it for you in the future too...

commented: thanks +2

thank you somuch for your detailed information....

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