winky 0 Light Poster

Hey guys,
Been awhile since I've done any JAVA, so I'm looking for some help. I'm trying to implement a recursive descent parser with three terminals ( @ , ?, @@). I could use some help on a couple issues:

1) The @ operator is supposed to be a unary prefix operator (i.e. @ a should evaluate to (a*a+11)mod(a+3)). I am having trouble switching the parseD and parseD1 functions around to make it recognize this. At this point it only recognizes a number then the @ function (i.e. 2 @ ), which is backwards.

2) What is the best way to give precedence to operators, so that @@>?>@? For example, if
a ? b @@ c, then c @@ b should be evaluated first.

3) Finally, is there anyway to tokenize without having to put a space in between each character? I would like to be able to write strings like this: a?b@@c instead of a ? b @@ c.

Thanks for any help you guys can provide on any of these three points.

import java.util.*;

public class ParseE {

	   static StringTokenizer st;
	   static String curr;

	    /** read the next token into curr */
	    static void next() {
		try {
		    // use of intern() allows us to check equality with ==.
		} catch( NoSuchElementException e) {

	    static void error(String msg) {
	    static int parseD() {
			int x=parseE();
			return parseD1(x);

		    static int parseD1(int x) {
			if (curr=="@") {
			    return parseD1((x * x +11)%(x+3));
			} else if(curr==")" || curr=="$") {
			    return x;
			} else {
			    error("Unexpected :"+curr);
			    return x; // to make compiler happy
	    static int parseE() {
		// E -> T E1
		int x=parseT();
		return parseE1(x);

	    static int parseE1(int x) {
		// E1 -> T E1 | epsilon
		if (curr=="?") {
		    int y = parseT();
		    return parseE1(max(x,y));
		} else if(curr==")" || curr=="$" || curr=="@" ) {
		    return x;
		} else {
		    error("Unexpected :"+curr);
		    return x; // to make compiler happy

	    static int parseT() {
		// T -> F T1
		int x=parseF();
		return parseT1(x);

	    static int parseT1(int x) {
		// T1 -> * F T1 | epsilon
		if (curr=="@@") {
		    int y=parseF();
		    x = x + 27;
		    y = y*6;
		    return parseT1(gcd(x,y));
		} else if(curr=="?" || curr==")" || curr=="$" || curr=="@") {
		    return x;
		} else {
		    error("Unexpected :"+curr);
		    return x; // to make compiler happy
	    static int parseF() {
		// F -> ( E ) | a
		if( curr=="(") {
		    int x=parseD();
		    if(curr==")") {
			return x;
		    } else {
			error (") expected.");
			return -1; // to make compiler happy
		} else try {
		    int x=Integer.valueOf(curr).intValue();
		    return x;
		} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
		    error("Number expected.");
		    return -1; // to make compiler happy
	    static int max(int x, int y)
	    	if((x+19) > (2 * y + 6))
	    		return (x+19);
	    		return (2 * y + 6);
	    static int gcd(int x, int y)
	    	if (y==0)
	    		return x;
	    		return gcd(y, x%y);

	    public static void main(String args []) throws IOException {
		BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (;
		String line=in.readLine();
		st = new StringTokenizer(line+" $");
		int x=parseD();
		if(curr=="$") {
		    System.out.println("OK "+x);
		} else {
		    error("End expected");
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