dusty97 0 Newbie Poster


I'm currently working on a little assembly program that is meant to take in string A, then string B, and check string B to see if it contains string A. I figured out how to make it search for a single character, but i'm having difficulties in searching for a string. I've thought of approaching this by making a loop to where it looks for a match for the first char in string A in string B, but I'm not sure how to split up the chars of the string to run the loops.

This is my code for searching through for the single char.

;read the string and check for the char
Begin: call ReadChar
	cmp al, 0dh
	je Nope
	cmp al, value
	je Yup
	call WriteChar
	jmp Begin
Yup: call Crlf
	call WriteChar
	call Crlf
	mov edx, OFFSET yes
	call WriteString

Nope: call Crlf
	mov edx, OFFSET no
	call WriteString	

Here is my code as I've modified it so far to look for string A in string B

; read the pattern
	mov edx, OFFSET buffer
	mov ecx, SIZEOF buffer
	call ReadString
	mov byteCount, eax
	mov pattern, edx
	; print prompt2
	mov edx, OFFSET prompt2
	call WriteString
	; read the string
	mov edx, OFFSET buffer
	mov ecx, SIZEOF buffer
	call ReadString
	mov byteCount, eax
	mov string, edx
	mov edi, OFFSET string
	mov eax, pattern
	mov ecx, LENGTHOF string
	repne scasb
	jnz Nope
	dec edi
Yup: call Crlf
	call WriteChar
	call Crlf
	mov edx, OFFSET yes
	call WriteString

Nope: call Crlf
	mov edx, OFFSET no
	call WriteString	

Does anyone have any tips as to where I would go from here? Basically right now the 2nd code set is just running through the repne scasb line without doing anything and returning the Yup: statement.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

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