#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "matrix.h"

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  The GaborFilteredImg provides the outputs of the Gabor filter bank
void GaborFilteredImg(Matrix *FilteredImg_real, Matrix *FilteredImg_imag, Matrix *img, int side, double Ul, double Uh,
     int scale, int orientation, int flag)
 int h, w, xs, ys, border, r1, r2, r3, r4, hei, wid, s, n;
 Matrix *IMG, *IMG_imag, *Gr, *Gi, *Tmp_1, *Tmp_2, *F_1, *F_2, *G_real, *G_imag, *F_real, *F_imag;

 void Gabor(Matrix *Gr, Matrix *Gi, int s, int n, double Ul, double Uh, int scale, int orientation, int flag);

 border = side;
 hei = img->height;
 wid = img->width;

 /* FFT2 */
 xs = (int) pow(2.0, ceil(log2((double)(img->height+2.0*border))));
 ys = (int) pow(2.0, ceil(log2((double)(img->width+2.0*border))));

 CreateMatrix(&IMG, xs, ys);

 r1 = img->width+border;
 r2 = img->width+2*border;
 for (h=0;h<border;h++) {
   for (w=0;w<border;w++)
     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[border-1-h][border-1-w];
   for (w=border;w<r1;w++)
     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[border-1-h][w-border];
   for (w=r1;w<r2;w++)
     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[border-1-h][2*img->width-w+border-1];

 r1 = img->height+border;
 r2 = img->width+border;
 r3 = img->width+2*border;
 for (h=border;h<r1;h++) {
   for (w=0;w<border;w++)
     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[h-border][border-1-w];
   for (w=border;w<r2;w++)
     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[h-border][w-border];
   for (w=r2;w<r3;w++)
     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[h-border][2*img->width-w+border-1];

 r1 = img->height+border;
 r2 = img->height+2*border;
 r3 = img->width+border;
 r4 = img->width+2*border;
 for (h=r1;h<r2;h++) {
   for (w=0;w<border;w++)
     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[2*img->height-h+border-1][border-1-w];
   for (w=border;w<r3;w++)
     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[2*img->height-h+border-1][w-border];
   for (w=r3;w<r4;w++)
     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[2*img->height-h+border-1][2*img->width-w+border-1];

 CreateMatrix(&F_real, xs, ys);
 CreateMatrix(&F_imag, xs, ys);
 CreateMatrix(&IMG_imag, xs, ys);

 Mat_FFT2(F_real, F_imag, IMG, IMG_imag);

 /* ----------- compute the Gabor filtered output ------------- */

 CreateMatrix(&Gr, 2*side+1, 2*side+1);
 CreateMatrix(&Gi, 2*side+1, 2*side+1);
 CreateMatrix(&Tmp_1, xs, ys);
 CreateMatrix(&Tmp_2, xs, ys);
 CreateMatrix(&F_1, xs, ys);
 CreateMatrix(&F_2, xs, ys);
 CreateMatrix(&G_real, xs, ys);
 CreateMatrix(&G_imag, xs, ys);

 for (s=0;s<scale;s++) {
   for (n=0;n<orientation;n++) {
     Gabor(Gr, Gi, s+1, n+1, Ul, Uh, scale, orientation, flag);
     Mat_Copy(F_1, Gr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2*side, 2*side);
     Mat_Copy(F_2, Gi, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2*side, 2*side);
     Mat_FFT2(G_real, G_imag, F_1, F_2);

     Mat_Product(Tmp_1, G_real, F_real);
     Mat_Product(Tmp_2, G_imag, F_imag);
     Mat_Substract(IMG, Tmp_1, Tmp_2);

     Mat_Product(Tmp_1, G_real, F_imag);
     Mat_Product(Tmp_2, G_imag, F_real);
     Mat_Sum(IMG_imag, Tmp_1, Tmp_2);

     Mat_IFFT2(Tmp_1, Tmp_2, IMG, IMG_imag);

     Mat_Copy(FilteredImg_real, Tmp_1, s*hei, n*wid, 2*side, 2*side, hei+2*side-1, wid+2*side-1);
     Mat_Copy(FilteredImg_imag, Tmp_2, s*hei, n*wid, 2*side, 2*side, hei+2*side-1, wid+2*side-1);


/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  The Gabor function generates a Gabor filter with the selected index 's' and 'n' (scale and orientation,
  respectively) from a Gabor filter bank. This filter bank is designed by giving the range of spatial
  frequency (Uh and Ul) and the total number of scales and orientations used to partition the spectrum.

  The returned filter is stored in 'Gr' (real part) and 'Gi' (imaginary part).
void Gabor(Matrix *Gr, Matrix *Gi, int s, int n, double Ul, double Uh, int scale, int orientation, int flag)
 double base, a, u0, z, Uvar, Vvar, Xvar, Yvar, X, Y, G, t1, t2, m;
 int x, y, side;

 base = Uh/Ul;
 a = pow(base, 1.0/(double)(scale-1));
 u0 = Uh/pow(a, (double) scale-s);

 Uvar = (a-1.0)*u0/((a+1.0)*sqrt(2.0*log(2.0)));

 z = -2.0*log(2.0)*(Uvar*Uvar)/u0;
 Vvar = tan(PI/(2*orientation))*(u0+z)/sqrt(2.0*log(2.0)-z*z/(Uvar*Uvar));

 Xvar = 1.0/(2.0*PI*Uvar);
 Yvar = 1.0/(2.0*PI*Vvar);

 t1 = cos(PI/orientation*(n-1.0));
 t2 = sin(PI/orientation*(n-1.0));

 side = (int) (Gr->height-1)/2;

 for (x=0;x<2*side+1;x++) {
   for (y=0;y<2*side+1;y++) {
     X = (double) (x-side)*t1+ (double) (y-side)*t2;
     Y = (double) -(x-side)*t2+ (double) (y-side)*t1;
     G = 1.0/(2.0*PI*Xvar*Yvar)*pow(a, (double) scale-s)*exp(-0.5*((X*X)/(Xvar*Xvar)+(Y*Y)/(Yvar*Yvar)));

     Gr->data[x][y] = G*cos(2.0*PI*u0*X);
     Gi->data[x][y] = G*sin(2.0*PI*u0*X);

 /* if flag = 1, then remove the DC from the filter */
 if (flag == 1) {
   m = 0;
   for (x=0;x<2*side+1;x++)
     for (y=0;y<2*side+1;y++)
m += Gr->data[x][y];

   m /= pow((double) 2.0*side+1, 2.0);

   for (x=0;x<2*side+1;x++)
     for (y=0;y<2*side+1;y++)
Gr->data[x][y] -= m;

errors:Illegal character:\35
#include <stdio.h>
Illegal character:\35
#include <stdlib.h>
Illegal character:\35
#include <math.h>
#include "matrix.h"
gabor.java class or interface expected.

anyone can help me to remove these error please!

Recommended Answers

All 7 Replies

They sure changed java last time I checked. They made it look like more C. But wait, this is C.
Listen this is a java forum, and your code is in C, but the error you get is confusing:

gabor.java class or interface expected

How are you trying to compile this?

Why did you double post at the same time?
What do you think you can accomplish by that?

He is, seemingly, attempting to convert a C program code to Java (and not doing a very good job of it since he is simply attempting to translate line for line).

He is, seemingly, attempting to convert a C program code to Java (and not doing a very good job of it since he is simply attempting to translate line for line).

if he tried that, he'd start at the top... and misserabely fails to translate #include to import ...

if he tried that, he'd start at the top... and misserabely fails to translate #include to import ...

Well, there you have it. ;-)

Why did you double post at the same time?
What do you think you can accomplish by that?

well.. he accomplished irritating you...

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