I have to make an assignment for my class I ve done 9 assingments already but this one got me lost.
How can I do it?

New concepts reinforced: Pointers

1. Create the function GetEmployeeData.

2. Call the function above passing as arguments the addresses of Name, Id, RateOfPay, and HoursWorked. Do not use a structure. Instead, declare separate variables using the names above.

3. From within the function GetEmployeeData, prompt the user for the indicated items of data and then "return" them through pointers to the calling program.

4. From within the function main, compute the employee's gross pay and output all data in the format below:

Employee . . . . . John Doe
ID . . . . . . . . 1212
Rate of pay . . . $15.75
Hours worked . . . 35
Gross pay . . . . $551.25

can someone help me please

Sorry, but we don't do your homework for you here on Daniweb. Please write some code, or at least state how you think you should proceed, and we'll provide you some tips.

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