The section, of my program, that has to do with the error extracts a description from an html file or site. We are to find it based on three criteria. I have two down and this third one is giving me problems. I tried to create a DescripChars object in my ParseDescription method and it comes up with this error. I am manually making a make file as I go, so I will include that too. (Our teacher wanted us to know how it worked before we used automated make files and I have not had time to learn how to use an automated one yet.)

Here is my watered down Parse Description method which is part of the HTMLParser class

string & HTMLParser::ParseDescription()
			DescripChars getChars;
			return description;

My watered down HTMLParser.h file follows:

#ifndef CS240_HTMLPARSER_H
#define CS240_HTMLPARSER_H

#include <string>
#include "BST.h"
#include "WordProcessor.h"
#include "LinkedList.h"
#include "StringUtil.h"
#include "DescripChars.h"

using namespace std;
class HTMLParser
		string description;
		string & ParseDescription();


Now I will list my DescripChars.h file
I don't think I need to list the Descrip.cpp file so I won't do that

#ifdef CS240_DescripChars_H
#define CS240_DescripChars_H

#include <string>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

class DescripChars
		int length;
		string description;

		void GetCharacters(string & line);

		string & GetString();


Here are parts of my make file:

bin/test: obj/test.o obj/PageIndex.o obj/BST.o obj/HTMLParser.o \
obj/LinkedList.o obj/LinkIterator.o obj/WordProcessor.o obj/DescripChars.o \
g++ -g -o bin/test obj/test.o obj/PageIndex.o obj/HTMLParser.o \
obj/BST.o obj/LinkedList.o obj/LinkIterator.o obj/WordProcessor.o \
obj/DescripChars.o lib/libutils.a
chmod a+x bin/test

obj/HTMLParser.o: src/HTMLParser.cpp
g++ -g -o obj/HTMLParser.o -c -I inc -I utils/cs240utils/include \
-lboost_iostreams -lboost_program_options -lboost_filesystem src/HTMLParser.cpp

obj/DescripChars.o: src/DescripChars.cpp
g++ -g -o obj/DescripChars.o -c -I inc src/DescripChars.cpp

my .h files are in the inc folder and I am using another library that is in another folder as indicated in the HTMLParser line my .cpp files are in the src directory

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All 2 Replies

Hmm please use code tags. And what was the actual question? Please post the specific part of your code that you are having issues with.

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