I'm interested in writing a memory scanning program (for cheating in games, looking for hidden processes, and such). I'm wondering if there's any way to do this with C++ without extensive knowledge of windows classes/programming. I'm thinking assigning a pointer to the first location of the processes stack or something, then iterating it - changing a value in the game, and rescanning it looking for change to know the actual locations of the variable (ie gold). This would allow me to create a reference variable to that address and modify the memory from outside the program. I imagine this isn't as easy as it sounds though (security and what not)

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The C++ is a platform-independent universal programming language.
No such entities as "processes stack or something" in platform-independent languages.
Of course, you can implement any desired code in C++, but (alas): prepare to get "extensive knowledge of windows classes/programming" before start your insolent project (probably it's a right way to have a good time in prison)...

lol. Well i understand classes, polymorhpisms, and inheritance - but my school hasn't covered many of the actual windows classes yet - there's just so many of them! So there's no way for a pointer to point to an address outside it's programs scope?

I'm not sure, but every program is protected by paging. If you want to do this, you have to inject you code to the target program's address space.

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