I need to automate an Excel sheet. The requirement is that I need to read data from various CSV Files, maipulate them and place the results into specific cells in an Excel Sheet. This excel sheet is already prepared with lots of text. Only specific columns are left blank and which need to be filled through the new code. I am comforatable with reading data from CSV (as this has been implemented by one of my colleague). But I am not sure of how to write the data into an Excel Workbook. This excel workbook has two worksheets with specific names. So I will have to be able to place data into specific sheet as per requirement.
1. The system where I will be running this Pascal code does NOT have Microsoft Office(Excel) installed in it. Should it still be possible to achieve the required automation?
2. The excel sheet has some formatting which needs to be preserved.
I am quite new to Pascal so please bare with me. I might not be able to get you on the first instance itself.