How do you exit a sentinel controlled loop forcefully ?

while (finalstar != word && ct1 < 7)
		let_pos = word.find(letter);

		if (let_pos != string::npos)
			get_letter = word.substr(let_pos,1);
			new_letter = finalstar.substr(let_pos,1);// gets star from string made of stars 
			new_letter = finalstar.replace(let_pos,1,letter); 
			cout << "Right !!" <<endl;	
			ct1 = ct1 ;
		else if(let_pos == string::npos)
			cout << "Wrong !!" << endl ; 
			count++ ;
		cout << "Your word is " << finalstar << endl ;
		cout << "Give me a guess (letter) ---->";
		cin >> letter ;
		cout << endl ;

Im trying to get out of this loop before the counter stops the loop

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