Hi i live in the new york area and does anyone know where in new york or have a look up resource on where to find java programming courses? anywhere to teach java during summer or during winter

any place to look up information would be helpful..i tried google but have found no luck

thanks :)

Hi i live in the new york area and does anyone know where in new york or have a look up resource on where to find java programming courses? anywhere to teach java during summer or during winter

any place to look up information would be helpful..i tried google but have found no luck

thanks :)

first of all ... Google itself can get you more tutorials you can handle.
secondly, I would like to refer to the tutorial-thread
or, you can also go to the Sun website
on the other hand, if you do need books and such, I 've never been there myself, but I'm kind off sure even in NY there are bookstores and libraries.

hi thanks for the reply but i was looking more of like a class environment with a instructor.

you want to take classes for during the summer or during the winter?
you do realise a serious course (if you have no experience yet) does take a bit more than a week.

even then, go to google and check "Java + course + New York" or, go and check where courses are given there, can be a school that also provides classes for adults and such, that go on during summer, ...

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