Hi! I'm new to this forum and C++ programming and I am currently taking and introductory course to C++. I have a program that compiles fine but will not execute. I am posting my code and a sample input file....Please if anyone can get it to run or give me suggestions on why I am getting a segmentation fault/access violation when trying to run it.. I would greatly appreciate it
The assignment is:
This program requires you to input a student’s name and test scores from a file, average the scores, and determine a letter grade. In addition, you should calculate the average for the class. To receive full credit your program must use at least four functions. Pass parameters; do not use global variables.
1. For each student, the input file will contain a first name, last name and 5 integer scores. Data items are separated by blanks.
2. You may assume that the data file is error free but you do not know the number of items in the file.
3. Calculate the average for each student by dropping the low score using the high score twice; round to the nearest int.
4. Output is to the screen. Print out last name, comma, first name followed by the five scores, the average, and a letter grade.
5. After all students are processed, print out the number of students, the class average, and the number of students in each of these three categories: excellent ( grade of A) satisfactory ( grade of B or C) Failing ( grade of D or F). Class average should be rounded to the nearest integer.
6. Use function prototypes. Declare the main function before you declare additional functions.
A sample text file is as follows:
Harry Hacker 93 94 89 77 97
Hilda Hacker 79 79 28 93 78
Horatio Hacker 77 78 79 80 45
Horaldo Hacker 68 68 62 70 68
Also I have tried to use the struct in a function and without structs and just arrays, we haven't learned classes yet, but I think my problem is with reading the file?
My code is:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct StudentData
string firstname;
string lastname;
int tests[5];
int gethighest(const StudentData list[], int listsize);
int getlowest(const StudentData list[], int listsize);
void CalcAverage(const StudentData list[], double Sum[], double Average[], int listsize);
void getGrade(const StudentData list[], double Average[], char Grade[], int listsize);
void printheading();
void PrintResults(const StudentData list[],double Average[], char Grade[], int listsize);
int main()
int NoOfStudents = 200;
StudentData item;
int students;
StudentData list[students];
char Grade[students];
double Sum[students];
double Average[students];
ifstream inFile;
string filename;
cout << "Enter the file name of student data: \t";
cin >> filename;
cout << endl;
if (!inFile)
cout << "Missing File \n\n";
system ("pause");
return 1;
int test;
students = 1;
inFile >> list[students].firstname >> list[students].lastname;
while (inFile)
for(test = 0; test < 5; test++)
inFile >> list[students].tests[test];
CalcAverage(list, Sum, Average, students);
getGrade(list, Average, Grade, students);
PrintResults(list, Average, Grade, students);
cout << "The program is complete. " << endl;
system ("pause");
return 0;
void CalcAverage(const StudentData list[], double Sum[], double Average[], int listsize)
int row, col, test;
double lowest, highest;
highest = static_cast<double>(gethighest(list, listsize));
lowest = static_cast<double>(getlowest(list, listsize));
for (int row = 0; row < listsize; row++)
Sum[row] = 0.0;
for(test = 0; test < 5; col++)
Sum[row] = Sum[row] + static_cast<double>(list[row].tests[test]);
Average[row] = (Sum[row] + highest + highest - lowest /(5));
int gethighest(const StudentData list[], int listsize)
int row, col;
int highest;
for (row = 0; row < listsize; row++)
highest = list[row].tests[0];
for (col = 1; col < 5; col++)
if(highest < list[row].tests[col])
highest = list[row].tests[col];
return highest;
int getlowest(const StudentData list[], int listsize)
int row, col;
int lowest;
for (row = 0; row < listsize; row++)
lowest = list[row].tests[0];
for (col = 0; col < 5; col++)
if(lowest > list[row].tests[col])
lowest = list[row].tests[col];
return lowest;
void getGrade(const StudentData list[], double Average[], char Grade[], int listsize)
int row;
for (int row =0; row < listsize; row++)
if(Average[row] >= 90)
Grade[row] = 'A';
else if (Average[row] >= 80)
Grade[row] = 'B';
else if (Average[row] >= 70)
Grade[row] = 'C';
else if (Average[row] >= 60)
Grade[row] = 'D';
Grade[row] = 'F';
void printheading()
cout << "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Classroom Results*-*-*-*"
<< "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------"
<< "---------------------------------" << endl;
cout << " Student Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5"
<< " Average Grade" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------"
<< "---------------------------------" << endl;
void PrintResults(const StudentData list[], double Average[], char Grade[], int listsize)
int row, col;
double SumAverage = 0;
double ClassAverage;
int Excellent = 0,
Satisfactory = 0,
Failing = 0;
int looper ;
cout << "Programmer Name: Jane Hanger"
<< endl;
cout << "Lab CRN: 11145"
<< endl;
for ( looper = 0; looper < listsize ; looper++)
cout << list[looper].lastname << " , " << list[looper].firstname;
for(int test = 0; test < 5; test++)
cout << list[looper].tests[test] << " ";
cout << Average[looper] << " "
<< Grade[looper] << endl;
if (Grade[looper] == 'A')
else if (Grade[looper] == 'B' || Grade[looper] == 'C')
else if (Grade[looper] == 'D' || Grade[looper] == 'F')
cout << "The number of students in the class: \t\t"
<< listsize << endl;
for(row = 0; row < listsize; row++)
SumAverage = SumAverage + Average[row];
ClassAverage = SumAverage / listsize;
cout << "Class Average = " << static_cast<int>ClassAverage) << endl;
cout << "Number of Students in each Category:\n\n "
<< "Excellent:\t\t" << Excellent << "\n"
<< "Satisfactory:\t\t" << Satisfactory << "\n"
<< "Failing:\t\t" << Failing << "\n\n\n";