Dear Friends.

I need to copy particular columns from a listview to a XML file.


i need 1st and 3rd Columns data's to be copied to a XML file. Can any one help with any example code..How to get the Column data from a Listview..

Thanks and Regards,

Look I feel you can do it on your own just try
First tell me you can get the ListView columns?!
- listView1.Columns
Then you can treat with XML file as we discussed in the previous post.

am generating the listview data's from a i need to copy the some columns of data's or all listview data's to a XML file...I tried as much as i can..i am not able to find the solution to copy the Listview data to a XML file..Please help me

Thanks & Regards,

You can make it directly from DataSet, also read in DataSet class
DataSetObject. ??
The idea I don't mean to be silly with you, but you've to try and read in help more than copying code, I hope you understand me well.

Thanks..ill put my try..But is dataset is related to Listview or DataGrid...

neither... nor ... represents some table(s) and their relationships in memory it may contain 1 or more tables.

Hi RamyMahrous,

I solved the Problem..Thanks for the Support..

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