thekilon 0 Newbie Poster

Hi there. Nice forum you got here.

I am coding strictly as a hobist since 1988. But I more keen on studying computer languages. I have studied, GWBASIC, DBASE, CLIPPER,C,C++,ASSEMBLY,DELPHI,C#,JAVA. Imade some decent programs with C++ and Delphi. Now I am more interested in making programms . 3d graphics and music is the area which most interest me.

I have started already a VST plugin for a hardware synth . You can find more info in my blog.

I will most probably make a Database for my office (lawyer). HSQL seems like a proper choice.

I am very new Jython user . I really like the Java library and love Python syntax so this combination seemed perfect for me.

Anyone else coding in Jython ?

Do you like Jython ? If not , Why ?

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