Start a new Forms application.
Add a DataGridView control to the Form.
Add a few Columns to the DataGridView.
In the properties window select the ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle (ahh what's in a name...) property.
A dialog opens. Change the appearance BackColor to whatever color you like.
Run the application. On my system I never get the chosen color for the column headers.
Anyone any ideas?

Strange :| It works with me...

Check for this (msdn):

If visual styles are enabled and EnableHeadersVisualStyles is set to true, all header cells except the TopLeftHeaderCell are painted using the current theme and the ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle values are ignored.

I've tried to set the EnableHeadersVisualStyles to false and it's working.

commented: Nice. +4

I've tried to set the EnableHeadersVisualStyles to false and it's working.

I didn't change any property and it's working without any problem!!
+ EnableHeadersVisualStyles = true and it's also working...

He Antenka thanks! It's working!
Ramy I don't know why it is working with you in both ways, but consider this solved.
Thanks again.

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