I am trying to print out some database resutls as follows

cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM User")
        numrows_user = int(cursor.rowcount)
        i_user = int(0)
        Results_user = cursor.fetchall()

        while i_user < numrows_user:
           print Results_user[i_user]["ID"]

Put i am getting nothing i know i_user is working and i know there is information in the database if i do something like

print Results_user[0]["ID"]

i get info printed out. Why wont it work with the loop

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what happens when you run the code? it "should" hit the while and continuously print (you have an infinite loop there). if you are not getting into a infinite loop, numrows_user is probably not set to what you expect.

its not an infinite loop as numrows_user is part of a database search earlier on and when i print it out it = 4.

Whats supposed to happen when i run the code is the 4 ID from a data base table is printed out. This is the whole code i am trying to run

#drop down boxes
        #execute SQL select statement
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM User")
        numrows_user = int(cursor.rowcount)
        i_user = 0
        Results_user = cursor.fetchall()

        while i_user < numrows_user:
            for element in Results_user[i_user].keys():
                if element == "UserName":
                    if Results_user[i_user][element] != Results[i][subelement]:
                        print "<option value=\""+Results_user[i_user][element]+"\">"+Results_user[i_user][element]+"</option>"
                        i_user = i_user + 1
                        i_user = i_user + 1
        print "</select>"
        print "<br />"

The above code actually works but i need to change Results_user[i_user][element] to Results_user[i_user]["ID"] and thats when i get nothing

when i try and print out Results_user[i_user][element] it works but when i specify element i get nothing. But if i do Results_user[0]["ID"] i get the one result printed out.

ok i have re writtent the code and its now working but the code is sloppy and there must be a better way of doing this

import MySQLdb
import os
import Cookie
import time 
print "Content-type: text/html\n"
# connect
db = MySQLdb.connect(host = "localhost", user = "dfgfdgfdgdfgdfg", passwd = "fdgdfgfd", db = "afgfdgdfgfdgdfg")

# create a database cursor
cursor = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)

#execute SQL select statement
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM on_call")
numrows = int(cursor.rowcount)
Results = cursor.fetchall()

#getting all users name
cursor.execute("SELECT UserName, ID FROM User")
numrows = int(cursor.rowcount)
Result = cursor.fetchall()
row = cursor.rowcount
i = 0

print "<form action=\"update_contact_schedule.py\" method=\"post\">"

for subelement in Results[0].keys():
    i = 0
    if subelement == "Monday":
        print "Monday:"
        #print whos currently on call for the day
        cursor.execute("SELECT UserName FROM User WHERE ID =" + Results[0][subelement])
        User = cursor.fetchall()
        print "<select name=\"Monday\">"
        print "<option value=\""+Results[0][subelement]+"\">"+User[0]["UserName"]+"</option>"
        while i < row:
            if Result[i]["UserName"] == User[0]["UserName"]:
                i = i + 1
                print "<option value=\""
                print Result[i]["ID"]
                print "\">"
                print Result[i]["UserName"]
                print "</option>"
                i = i + 1
        print "</select>"    
        print "<br />"

    elif subelement == "Tuesday":
        print "Tuesday:"
        #print whos currently on call for the day
        cursor.execute("SELECT UserName FROM User WHERE ID =" + Results[0][subelement])
        User = cursor.fetchall()
        print "<select name=\"Tuesday\">"
        print "<option value=\""+Results[0][subelement]+"\">"+User[0]["UserName"]+"</option>"
        while i < row:
            if Result[i]["UserName"] == User[0]["UserName"]:
                i = i + 1
                print "<option value=\""
                print Result[i]["ID"]
                print "\">"
                print Result[i]["UserName"]
                print "</option>"
                print "<br />"
                i = i + 1
        print "</select>"    
        print "<br />"

    elif subelement == "Wednesday":
        print "Wednesday:"
        #print whos currently on call for the day
        cursor.execute("SELECT UserName FROM User WHERE ID =" + Results[0][subelement])
        User = cursor.fetchall()
        print "<select name=\"Wednesday\">"
        print "<option value=\""+Results[0][subelement]+"\">"+User[0]["UserName"]+"</option>"
        while i < row:
            if Result[i]["UserName"] == User[0]["UserName"]:
                i = i + 1
                print "<option value=\""
                print Result[i]["ID"]
                print "\">"
                print Result[i]["UserName"]
                print "</option>"
                print "<br />"
                i = i + 1
        print "</select>"    
        print "<br />"
    elif subelement == "Thursday":
        print "Tursday:"
        #print whos currently on call for the day
        cursor.execute("SELECT UserName FROM User WHERE ID =" + Results[0][subelement])
        User = cursor.fetchall()
        print "<select name=\"Thursday\">"
        print "<option value=\""+Results[0][subelement]+"\">"+User[0]["UserName"]+"</option>"
        while i < row:
            if Result[i]["UserName"] == User[0]["UserName"]:
                i = i + 1
                print "<option value=\""
                print Result[i]["ID"]
                print "\">"
                print Result[i]["UserName"]
                print "</option>"
                print "<br />"
                i = i + 1
        print "</select>"    
        print "<br />"

    elif subelement == "Friday":
        print "Friday:"
        #print whos currently on call for the day
        cursor.execute("SELECT UserName FROM User WHERE ID =" + Results[0][subelement])
        User = cursor.fetchall()
        print "<select name=\"Friday\">"
        print "<option value=\""+Results[0][subelement]+"\">"+User[0]["UserName"]+"</option>"
        while i < row:
            if Result[i]["UserName"] == User[0]["UserName"]:
                i = i + 1
                print "<option value=\""
                print Result[i]["ID"]
                print "\">"
                print Result[i]["UserName"]
                print "</option>"
                print "<br />"
                i = i + 1
        print "</select>"    
        print "<br />"

    elif subelement == "Saturday":
        print "Saturday:"
        #print whos currently on call for the day
        cursor.execute("SELECT UserName FROM User WHERE ID =" + Results[0][subelement])
        User = cursor.fetchall()
        print "<select name=\"Saturday\">"
        print "<option value=\""+Results[0][subelement]+"\">"+User[0]["UserName"]+"</option>"
        while i < row:
            if Result[i]["UserName"] == User[0]["UserName"]:
                i = i + 1
                print "<option value=\""
                print Result[i]["ID"]
                print "\">"
                print Result[i]["UserName"]
                print "</option>"
                print "<br />"
                i = i + 1
        print "</select>"    
        print "<br />"

    elif subelement == "Sunday":
        print "Sunday:"
        #print whos currently on call for the day
        cursor.execute("SELECT UserName FROM User WHERE ID =" + Results[0][subelement])
        User = cursor.fetchall()
        print "<select name=\"Sunday\">"
        print "<option value=\""+Results[0][subelement]+"\">"+User[0]["UserName"]+"</option>"
        while i < row:
            if Result[i]["UserName"] == User[0]["UserName"]:
                i = i + 1
                print "<option value=\""
                print Result[i]["ID"]
                print "\">"
                print Result[i]["UserName"]
                print "</option>"
                print "<br />"
                i = i + 1
        print "</select>"    
        print "<br />"

print "<br />"
print "<br />"
print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\">"
print "</form>"

any ideas?

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