I just started nightschool to learn c# (learn programming at all)

We got an exercise where we need to test for a palindrome

We were asked to put the test in a function and then call the result in a messagebox.

I'm kinda stuck on the last part the calling.
Here's what I have so far:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Pallindroom_testen
    public partial class frmPallindroom : Form

        string strWoord1 = "";

        public frmPallindroom()

        private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private string controle(string sControle)
            strWoord1 = txtWoord.Text;
            int iTeller = strWoord1.Length;
            string strWoord2 = "";
            string strControle = "";

            for (int iI = 1; iI < iTeller + 1; iI++)
                strWoord2 += strWoord1.Substring(iTeller - iI, 1);
            if (strWoord2.Equals(strWoord1))

                strControle = "Het woord " + strWoord1 + " is een pallindroom";


                strControle = "Het woord " + strWoord1 + " is geen pallindroom";

            return strControle;

        private void btnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Any ideas?

I solved it myself :)

string message = controle(strWoord1);

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