1.I'm trying to write an MFC program in EVC++ 4.0 on window CE 5.0 that lists the disk drives on the system (C:, D:, and so on). I also need to know if the drive is a hard disk or a USB. Is there a class to get this information?

Q2. What are Windows Volume Management Functions in EVC++ 4.0 on window CE 5.0?

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Not really. You can get it to tell you whether its fixed or removable , but thats not very helpful as the drives on embedded systems generally show up as the latter anyway.

Thanks for your reply,

When i attach USB Stick to Window CE 5.0 system1 , then it appears as "USBDisk" but on the other hand when i attaches it another system2 with same OS it appears as "Disk2". I want to know about any function/way/code from which i can get current USB drive letter?

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