Hi all, I've written a Java programme with a while(true) loop.

Within this while loop, it's a whole lot of process which runs indefinitely (because I'm doing some image recognition and doing some genetic algorithm testing.)

I first tested it in NetBeans, by clicking on 'Run'. Everything went well, but it terminated after about 37 minutes without any error messages, except "Build Successful." - something which appears normal.

However I've not put in any limits anywhere in the programme. I thought this might be a problem with running from NetBeans, so I tried running the built distribution. Same thing happened.

Is this a memory problem? What could be causing it to terminate on its own? Anyway to check?

Please help, any advise is welcomed!

Seeing the code (or at least parts of it) might help. But, if there were any "problem" (and there probably is), then you would get an error message, unless of you're catching the Exception and ignoring it.

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