Dear guys, Here I'm gonna show u how to overload different operators in c++.

First of all I'm going to overload unary operator(the operator that acts on one operand) that are ++ and --. so lets overload the -- with a simple example.

using namespace std;
class school         // create a class school
       int clsrooms;
      school() : clsrooms(10)   // ctor to make classrooms to 10 value
        {  }
      school(int c) : clsrooms(c)       // for nameless temp object>next 
      {  }
      int getrooms()
         return clsrooms;
      school operator -- (school);      // Declaration for main overld func

 school school::operator--(school s)
   int crms= clsroom-s.rooms;    // subtract one from another
   return school(crms);    // return nameless temp object to call        
// function, the object which dont have any name, here I've initize that to crms, the number of classrooms.

 int main()   / / main function
   school s1;  
   school s2;   
    --s1;   // s1 now 9
s2= --s1;   // s1=8 and s2=8
cout<<" s1 = " <<s1.getrooms();
cout<<"\n s2= "<<s2.getrooms();
return 0;

So the output will be

s1= 8

Throw some code tags around there so it's a bit more readable, but thanks for the tutorial. Is this the right place to post these? I have a handful of things like this that may be useful to others - where should we put them?

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