ok lets see if anyone can find the problem i have searched long and hard for this. i have a battle function and for some odd reason when ever i win the battle it loops the if statement saying that i am victorious 3 times (doing all the math and boosting the charecter stats as well). here is my complete code that i got sofar.

#pragma hdrstop
#include <condefs.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>  // mciSendString()

#pragma argsused
struct charecter
int maxhp;
int hp;
int gp;
int exp;
int nextlevel;
int level;
int agilitylvl;
int def;
int dammage;
char *name;
struct misc
int lvl1potions;
int lvl2potions;
int lvl3potions;
int demonpotions;
int secretitems;
int score;
int blocked;
char *nextweapon;
char *townname;
int draynorquestnumber;

struct opponent
int hp;
int gp;
int exp;
int dammage;
char *name;
struct opponentstats
int hp;
int gp;
int exp;
int dammage;
char *name;

void questone (charecter & me, opponent & c, misc & misc);
void battle (charecter & me, opponent & c, misc &  misc);
void apothecary (charecter & me,opponent & c, misc &  misc);
void town (charecter & me,opponent & c, misc &  misc);
void gameplaychoice (charecter & me,opponent c, opponentstats b, misc &  misc);
void attack (charecter & me,opponent & c);
void usepotion (charecter & me,opponent & c,misc &  misc);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
mciSendString("play C:\\onestop.mid",NULL,0,NULL);

    cout << "**************************************" << endl;
    cout << "*                                    *" << endl;
    cout << "* A role playing game by Nate Nelson *" << endl;
    cout << "*                                    *" << endl;
    cout << "**************************************" << endl << endl;
    int choice;
    int charecterchoice;

    cout << "choose your character" << endl;
    cout << "1: Barbarian" << endl;
    cout << "2: Wizard of The Old Teachings" << endl;
    cout << "3: Gnome" << endl << endl;
    cin >> charecterchoice;
        if (charecterchoice == 1){
            cout << "You have chosen the nobelist and fiercest warrior in all the land!" << endl;
            cout << "the time has now come to choose you mode of battle." << endl << endl;
            cout << "Press any key to continue..." << endl << endl;
            cout << "input name (less than 100 charecters):";
                    charecter me;
                    me.hp = 50;
                    me.maxhp = 50;
                    me.def = 2;
                    me.dammage = 10;
                    me.exp = 0;
                    me.name = new char [100];
            cin >> me.name;
            cout << "1: I would like to fight with a Giant Axe." << endl;
            cout << "2: I would like to fight with a Sword and Shield." << endl;
            cin >> choice;
                if (choice == 1){
                cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
                    me.hp = 50;
                    me.maxhp = 50;
                    me.def = 2;
                    me.dammage = 10;
                    me.exp = 0;
                    me.agilitylvl = 0;
                    me.gp = 120;
                    cout << "Your weapon shall be an Axe like tree root." << endl << endl;
                    cout << "As your adventure begins you decide to randomly choose a direction" << endl;
                        cout << "You have stumbled upon a Goblin Warrior, he has spoted you and" << endl;
                        cout << "wishes to fight!" << endl;
                        cout << "You Valiantly fight the monster for your life." << endl << endl;
                        int goblinhp = 20;
                        int goblingp = 20;
                        int hplost;
                        //1st attack
                        hplost = me.hp;
                        goblinhp = goblinhp-10;
                        me.hp = me.hp-5+me.def;
                        goblinhp = goblinhp-10;
                        me.hp = me.hp-5+me.def;
                        hplost = hplost-me.hp;
                        me.gp = me.gp+goblingp;
                        me.hp = me.hp+5;
                        me.exp = me.exp + 20;
                        cout << "you have fought valiently and killed the beast!" << endl;
                        cout << "your Hit points are now at " << me.hp << "." << endl;
                        cout << "you lost " << hplost << " hit points, but gain " << "5" << " life back from a potion the goblin had." << endl;
                        cout << "you have gained " << me.exp << "/" << me.nextlevel << " till your next level." << endl;
                        cout << "you have gained " << goblingp << " GP from the goblin.  Your GP is at " << me.gp << "." << endl << endl;
                        opponent c;
                        c.hp = 20;
                        c.gp = 20;
                        c.exp = 20;
                        c.dammage = 5;
                        c.name = "Goblin";
                        opponentstats b;
                        b.hp = c.hp;
                        b.gp = c.gp;
                        b.exp = c.exp;
                        b.dammage = c.dammage;
                        b.name = c.name;

                        misc misc;
                        misc.blocked = 0;
                        misc.nextweapon = "A Giant Stick with a rock tied to the end of it";
                        misc.townname = "Falador";
                        misc.lvl1potions = 0;
                        misc.lvl2potions = 0;
                        misc.lvl3potions = 0;
                        misc.demonpotions = 0;
                        misc.secretitems = 0;
                        misc.score = 0;
                        misc.blocked = 0;

                        gameplaychoice (me, c, b, misc);
                                //display a:\battle340.jpeg here
                                cout << "Goblin Warlord: I hear you have been harrassing my goblin troops!" << endl;
                                cout << "Abdazar: yeah i have been training with your troops, but i haven't been "<< endl << "         Harrassing them!" << endl;
                                cout << "Goblin Warlord: That's not the way I heard it, prepare yourself for revenge!" << endl;
                                cout << "Abdazar: Alright if it is a battle you want, a battle you shall have." << endl;
                                misc.nextweapon = "Acid edged Gothic Axe";
                                misc.townname = "Falador";
                                c.name = "Goblin Warlord";
                                me.nextlevel = me.nextlevel + 200;

                                battle (me, c, misc);
                                cout << "The Goblin Warlord in, return for mercy, gives you the Ring of Agility!" << endl << endl;
                                cout << "As you slowly slide the ring over your knuckle, you seem to notice " << endl << "things a little faster and react with better timeing." << endl << endl;
                                cout << "your agility level has risen by 3 points!!!" << endl;
                                cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
                                town (me, c, misc);
                                mciSendString("stop C:\\town.mid",NULL,0,NULL);
                                mciSendString("play C:\\onestop.mid",NULL,0,NULL);

getch ();
mciSendString("stop C:\\onestop.mid",NULL,0,NULL);
mciSendString("stop C:\\town.mid",NULL,0,NULL);
        return 0;
void battle (charecter & me, opponent & c, misc & misc)
int choice;
int blockyesno;
int attackedxtimes=0;
    if (c.hp <=0) {
    if (me.exp >= me.nextlevel) {
        cout << "you have gained enough expierience to level up!!!" << endl << endl;
        me.exp = 0;
        me.nextlevel = me.nextlevel*2;
        me.maxhp = me.maxhp * 1.5;
        me.def = me.def + 3;
        me.hp = me.maxhp;
        me.dammage = me.dammage+5;
        cout << "your max hp is now " << me.maxhp << endl;
        cout << "your defense is now " << me.def << endl;
        cout << "your agility level is now " << me.agilitylvl << endl;
        cout << "you find a new weapon on " << c.name << ". you decide to use this instead of your old weapon." << endl;
        cout << "your weapon shall now be a " << misc.nextweapon << endl << endl;

cout << "what should i do?" << endl << endl;
cout << "1: Attack" << endl;
cout << "2: Use potion" << endl;
cout << "3: Attempt to block" << endl;
cin >> choice;
    if (choice == 1){
        if (attackedxtimes  != 2 && attackedxtimes != 5 && attackedxtimes != 3 && attackedxtimes != 6){
                attack (me, c);
                if (c.hp && me.hp > 0){
                    battle (me, c, misc);

        if (attackedxtimes == 2 || attackedxtimes == 5) {
            attack (me, c);
                if (c.hp && me.hp > 0){
                    battle (me, c, misc);
            cout << c.name << " apears to be getting ready for some sort of special attack." << endl << endl;
        if (attackedxtimes == (3 || 6)) {
            c.dammage = c.dammage*2;
            attack (me, c);
            c.dammage = c.dammage/2;
                if (c.hp && me.hp > 0){
                    battle (me, c, misc);
    else if (choice == 2){

        usepotion (me, c, misc);
        if (c.hp && me.hp > 0){
        battle (me, c, misc);
    else if (choice == 3){
        blockyesno = rand() % 100 + 1;
            if (blockyesno <= (me.agilitylvl*10)){
                cout << "all dammage was successfully blocked this turn!" << endl << endl;
                cout << me.name << "              " << c.name << endl;
                cout << me.hp << "                      " << c.hp << endl << endl;
                battle (me, c, misc);
            else if (blockyesno >= ((me.agilitylvl*10)+1)){
                cout << "you accedentally take a wrong step as you attempt to block and still take" << endl <<" dammage."<< endl << endl;
                me.hp = me.hp - c.dammage;
                cout << me.name << "              " << c.name << endl;
                cout << me.hp << "                      " << c.hp << endl << endl;
                battle (me, c, misc);



void usepotion (charecter & me,opponent & c, misc & misc)

int potionchoice;
    if (misc.lvl1potions == 0 && misc.lvl2potions == 0 && misc.lvl3potions == 0 && misc.demonpotions == 0) {
        cout << "you have no potions, quick pick a battle move before " << c.name << " attacks you!" << endl;
        return ;

cout << "Use which potion?" << endl << endl;
    if (misc.lvl1potions >= 1) {
        cout << "1: level 1 potion" << endl;
    if (misc.lvl2potions >= 1){
        cout << "2: level 2 potion" << endl;
    if (misc.lvl3potions >= 1) {
        cout << "3: level 3 potion" << endl;
    if (misc.demonpotions >= 1) {
        cout << "4: Demonic potion" << endl;
cin >> potionchoice;
    if (potionchoice == 1) {
        me.hp = me.hp + 20;
            if (me.hp > me.maxhp ){
                me.hp = me.maxhp;
        cout << "you have gained 20 hp, your hp is now at " << me.hp << endl << endl;
    else if (potionchoice == 2) {
        me.hp = me.hp + 30;
            if (me.hp > me.maxhp ){
                me.hp = me.maxhp;
        cout << "you have gained 30 hp, your hp is now at " << me.hp << endl << endl;
    else if (potionchoice == 3) {
        me.hp = me.hp + 40;
            if (me.hp > me.maxhp ){
                me.hp = me.maxhp;
        cout << "you have gained 40 hp, your hp is now at " << me.hp << endl << endl;
    else if (potionchoice == 4) {
        me.hp = me.hp + 120;
            if (me.hp > me.maxhp ){
                me.hp = me.maxhp;
        cout << "you have gained 120 hp, you hp is now at " << me.hp << endl << endl;

void attack (charecter & me,opponent & c)
int hplost;
hplost = me.hp;
c.hp = c.hp - me.dammage;
    if (c.hp <= 0 ) {
        cout << "You are victorious!!!" << endl << endl;
        me.exp = me.exp + c.exp;
        hplost = hplost - me.hp;
        me.hp = me.hp + c.dammage;
        me.gp = me.gp + c.gp;
        cout << "you lost " << hplost << " hit points, but gain " << c.dammage << " life back from a potion the " << c.name << " had." << endl;
        cout << "your Hit points are now at " << me.hp << "." << endl;
        cout << "you have gained " << me.exp << "/" << me.nextlevel << " till your next level." << endl;
        cout << "you have gained " << c.gp << " GP from the " << c.name << ".  Your GP is at " << me.gp << "." << endl << endl;
me.hp = me.hp - c.dammage;
    if (me.hp <= 0 ) {
        hplost = hplost - me.hp;
        me.gp = me.gp - c.gp;
        cout << "you have " << me.exp << "/" << me.nextlevel << " till your next level." << endl;
        cout << "you have lost" << c.gp << " GP from the " << c.name << "  Your GP is at " << me.gp << "." << endl << endl;
        cout << "the " << c.name << " shows you great mercy and spares your life. Your life is now at " << me.maxhp << "." << endl;
        me.hp = me.maxhp;
cout << me.name << "              " << c.name << endl;
cout << me.hp << "                      " << c.hp << endl << endl;
void gameplaychoice (charecter & me,opponent c, opponentstats b, misc &  misc)
int attackedmonsters=0;
int choice;
c.hp = b.hp;
c.gp = b.gp;
c.exp = b.exp;
c.dammage = b.dammage;
c.name = b.name;

cout << "What would you like to do now then?" << endl << endl;
    if (attackedmonsters < 5){
    cout << "1: Look for a training partner." << endl;
cout << "2: Goto " << misc.townname << "." << endl;
cout << "3: Quit game" << endl << endl;
cin >> choice;
    if (choice == 1){
        cout << me.name << "              " << c.name << endl;
        cout << me.hp << "                      " << c.hp << endl << endl;
        battle (me, c, misc);
        gameplaychoice (me, c, b, misc);
    else if (choice == 2){
    else if (choice == 3){
        mciSendString("stop C:\\onestop.mid",NULL,0,NULL);
        mciSendString("stop C:\\town.mid",NULL,0,NULL);


void town(charecter & me, opponent & c, misc & misc)
mciSendString("stop C:\\onestop.mid",NULL,0,NULL);
mciSendString("play C:\\town.mid",NULL,0,NULL);
int choice;
cout << "                                           |--------------|                   " << endl;
cout << "                                           |    Bank of   |\\                  " << endl;
cout << "                                           |     Solum    | \\                 " << endl;
cout << "               |--------------|            | |---|        | |                 " << endl;
cout << "               |  Apothecary  |\\           | |-|-|        | |                 " << endl;
cout << "               |              | \\          | |---|        | |                 " << endl;
cout << "               |              | |          |        |---| | |                 " << endl;
cout << "   /-----------|              | | /--------|        |-|-| |---------------\\   " << endl;
cout << "  /            |              | |/         |        |---| |  Blue Moon    /\\  " << endl;
cout << " /             |              | /          | |---|        |     Inn      /  \\ " << endl;
cout << "/______________|  _________   |/___________| |-|-|        |_____________/    \\" << endl;
cout << "|   |---|      | | __ | __ |  |     |---|  | |---|        |        |---||    |" << endl;
cout << "|   |-|-|      | |(__)|(__)|  |     |-|-|  |              |        |-|-||    |" << endl;
cout << "|   |---| |---|| |(__)|(__)|  |     |---| ||    |-----|   | |-----||---||    |" << endl;
cout << "|         |+  || |   0|0   |  |           ||    |  |  |   | | o|o |     |    |" << endl;
cout << "|_________|___||_|____|____|__|___________||____|__|__|___|_|__|__|_____|____|" << endl;

cout << "Welcome to " << misc.townname << "!!!" << endl << endl;
cout << "what would you like to do now then?" << endl;
cout << "1: Rest at the local Inn and continue one my jurney." << endl;
cout << "2: Visit the local Apothecary for potions." << endl;
cout << "3: Go visit with the local towns people." << endl;
cout << "4: Quit game." << endl;
cin  >> choice;
    if (choice == 1){
        cout << "As you slowly drift into that unreal yet very believable realm of sleep" << endl << "images of a man in red robes reaking havock on the world" << endl << "flash infront of your face." << endl;
        cout << "Images of complete death and destruction that follows him as he slowly," << endl << "unswayingly, and almost hypnoticly floats through the mortal world." << endl << endl;
        cout << "you awaken in a cold sweat panting in the brightness of the new day discarding" << endl << "the dream as nothing more than a nightmare." << endl << endl;
    else if (choice == 2){
        mciSendString("play C:\\town.mid",NULL,0,NULL);
        apothecary (me, c, misc);
        town (me, c, misc);
    else if (choice == 3){
        if (misc.townname == "Falador") {
            questone (me, c, misc);
            town (me, c, misc);
        else if (misc.townname == "Al Kahlid") {
            questtwo (me, c, misc);
            town (me, c, misc);
        else if (misc.townname == "Varroc") {
            questthree (me, c, misc);
            town (me, c, misc);
        else if (misc.townname == "Draynor Village") {
            if (misc.draynorquestnumber != 2) {
                questfour (me, c, misc);
                town (me, c, misc);
            else if (misc.draynorquestnumber == 2) {
                questfive (me, c, misc);
                town (me, c, misc);
    else if (choice == 4){
        mciSendString("stop C:\\lndnchip.mid",NULL,0,NULL);
        mciSendString("stop C:\\town.mid",NULL,0,NULL);


void apothecary (charecter & me, opponent & c, misc & misc)
mciSendString("play C:\\town.mid",NULL,0,NULL);
int choice;
int cost;
cout << "your gp is currently at: " << me.gp  << endl;
cout << "you have " << misc.lvl1potions << "level 1 potions." << endl;
cout << "you have " << misc.lvl2potions << "level 2 potions." << endl;
cout << "you have " << misc.lvl3potions << "level 3 potions."  << endl;
cout << "your health is at " << me.hp << "/" << me.maxhp << endl << endl;
cout << "What would you like to purchase?" << endl << endl;
cout << "1: Regenerate completely (1gp per level)" << endl;
cout << "2: Purchase a level 1 potion (20gp ea.)" << endl;
cout << "3: Purchase a level 2 potion (30gp ea.)" << endl;
cout << "4: Purchase a level 3 potion (40gp ea.)" << endl;
cout << "5: Leave Apothecary." << endl;
cin >> choice;
    if (choice == 1){
        int cost;
        cost = me.maxhp -  me.hp;
        if (me.gp < cost) {
            cout << " you don't have enough money for this." << endl;
            cout << " would you like to heal health as much as you can?" << endl;
            cout << "1: yes" << endl;
            cout << "2: no" << endl;
            cin >> choice;
                if (choice == 1) {
                    me.hp = me.hp + me.gp;
                    me.gp = me.gp - me.gp;
                    apothecary (me, c, misc);
                else if (choice == 2) {
                    apothecary (me, c, misc);
        else if (me.gp >= cost) {
            me.gp = me.gp-cost;
            me.hp = me.maxhp;
            apothecary (me, c, misc);
    else if (choice == 2){
        cost = 20;
            if  (me.gp < cost) {
                cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
                cout << "you don't have enough gp for this item." << endl;
                cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
                apothecary (me, c, misc);
            else if (me.gp >= cost){
                me.gp = me.gp - 20;
                apothecary (me, c, misc);
    else if (choice == 3) {
        cost = 30;
            if  (me.gp < cost) {
                cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
                cout << "you don't have enough gp for this item." << endl;
                cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
                apothecary (me, c, misc);
            else if (me.gp >= cost){
                me.gp = me.gp - 30;
                apothecary (me, c, misc);
    else if (choice == 4) {
        cost = 40;
            if  (me.gp < cost) {
                cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
                cout << "you don't have enough gp for this item." << endl;
                cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
                apothecary (me, c, misc);
            else if (me.gp >= cost){
                me.gp = me.gp - 40;
                apothecary (me, c, misc);
    else if (choice == 5) {


Let's first address this code snippet:

if (attackedxtimes == (3 || 6)) {
    attack (me, c);

"3 || 6" evaluates to "true", which is usually represented by 1. This effectively turns the statement into

if (attackedxtimes == 1)

Also, there's a line of code in battle

c.hp && me.hp > 0

which you probably mean

c.hp > 0 && me.hp > 0

Lastly, I'm making an assumption here, but you probably want to pass the most recent value of attackedxtimes as a parameter to battle. It would start at 0 and increment at each call. Define that variable outside of battle and reset it back to zero as necessary.

Good Luck!


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