231 Topics

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Member Avatar for Thanuj_1

We have a flex project which called from browser by using a swf file. After flash update the swf file is disabled. Here are the list of flash versions and browsers that we used in windows 7 OS. * Installed Firefox 56.0 - NPAPI version in Firefox . - …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Vimal Bhatt

Hi friends I am working in Macromedia flash 8. I have created a photo album. I have created SWF files for each scene and each SWF file is called from one small flash exe ,called Title.exe. Now the problem is started when some of my users open SWF file directly …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for andreiviziru

I tried loading a swf through <mx:SWFLoader source="game.swf" /> (The game.swf is a flash free game if this helps) But it displayed blank, white screen. Why?

Member Avatar for andreiviziru
Member Avatar for thedonedeal

I'm currently in the middle of making a VB.NET project. I want to have the VB.NET project control the actions of the Flash projector. (Stop, play, change text of text control in the Flash projector, etc.) This is a one way control however, nothing about the SWF projector will interact …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for london-G

Hi, I converted a as3 file into a html5 file using swiffy tools offered by google. My code is below: var stage = new swiffy.Stage(document.getElementById('swiffycontainer'), swiffyobject, {}); stage.setFlashVars("clickTAG=%%CLICK_URL_ESC%%%%DEST_URL%%"); stage.start(); It works fine but I want to link the stage to a new page. Any idea how I can achieve this? …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi

I am having my friend USB, which contains the error while Formatting, copying, deleting, renaming, moving files from it. The error is `"The Disk is Write Protected"`, I don't Know why this all happens? I try to repair it with the google help and find some common solution and tried …

Member Avatar for aminachour
Member Avatar for happygeek

Adobe Flash users have been under attack from cybercriminals again, this time courtesy of [a zero day exploit kit by the name of Angler](http://malware.dontneedcoffee.com/2015/01/unpatched-vulnerability-0day-in-flash.html). The exploit kit has been readily available on the dark market, and hits vulnerabilities to be found in Flash Players up to, as well as …

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for happygeek

Earlier this month, security outfit FireEye’s 'FireEye as a Service' researchers out in Singapore [discovered and reported](https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2015/06/operation-clandestine-wolf-adobe-flash-zero-day.html) on a phishing campaign that was found to be exploiting a zero-day in Adobe Flash Player vulnerability (CVE-2015-3113). That campaign has been well and truly active for a while now, with attacking emails …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Sws_1

how can i make an Online Highscore Leaderboard For A flash cc Game -android platform ? i make offline leaderboard using share object var SCORE:uint = 0; //positve numbers gameScore.text = String(SCORE); ... var soSavedScNa:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("aaa"); // // //**Object var savedSN:Object = soSavedScNa.data.nameScore; // Set the varible 'savedSN' // …

Member Avatar for bugz313
Member Avatar for shashikumar s g

hi all , Let us discuss which are the new technology are using in the web development what the feature of this technology and this technology has the feature or not what its advantage using this from the late technology so more basic technology i know is html html5 css …

Member Avatar for shashikumar s g
Member Avatar for vegaseat

The portable version of Python (versions 2.7 and 3.2 are available) can be run from your hard drive or a flash drive. In many ways this makes your live easier, since a lot of libraries are included already. Also, you can take your code to a friend on a flash …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for missy_mi

Hi, I am trying to develop a website using adobe flash. So far so good. I am currently trying to embed google maps in my flash website and its a success. But, after i go the frame(page) to view the map..the embeded map is still there. It is on every …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Marty1963

I'm trying to reuse an old Flash file that my client wants on his website however I'm using Flash CC now, and the existing code does not funtion in ActionScript3. I can't see why this won't work. Any advise would be greatly appreciated function randRange(min:Number, max:Number):Number { var randomNum:Number = …

Member Avatar for kanjigirl

I have the following Flash code running the photo stack at top right in this page: [URL="http://www.adventurecamper.com/#&slider1=4"]http://www.adventurecamper.com/#&slider1=4[/URL] [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> var flashvars = {}; var params = {}; params.wmode = "transparent"; var attributes = {}; swfobject.embedSWF("http://www.adventurecamper.com/wp-content/themes/adventurecamper/flash/stack.swf", "slider", "650", "260", "9.0.0", "http://www.adventurecamper.com/wp-content/themes/adventurecamper/flash/expressInstall.swf", false, flashvars, params, attributes); </script>[/CODE] I'm not that familiar with …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for complete

Hello Forum, Why would Flash work in IE 9 but not in IE 11? That is, why would Adobe Flash work with Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 9 and not work with Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 11? I am using a small flash object in the index page of www.gelsana.com. It …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for miomir.bulatovic

Dear friends, I need some suggestions from you. I have to make for website simple house with steps of reconstruction, adding facade on walls, system for heating, tiles,etc.. I dont know in which program to do that. Is that flash or something like that? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for rubenrav

Hello I'm not to experienced with flash programming and I want to look into a task that have been described. The person has one flash program that is written in CS3. This is in version 2 (I guess Autoscript 2) and need to be upgraded to version 3. I have …

Member Avatar for 3knur8

Hello, I have an ASUS P8H61-M LE motherboard that I purchased last year with a dual core pentium chip and 4gb of RAM. Everything was working perfectly fine until I decided to upgrade to an i5 3570K and 8gb of RAM. I started seeing blue screens and the system was …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for asif49

Hi I've tried html5 to access the laptop camera like demoed in this article http://davidwalsh.name/browser-camera The problem is, it asks everytime I visit a website which uses a camera to either approve or deny access to my camera. The app I'd like to develop would not work like this, and …

Member Avatar for asif49
Member Avatar for Benjamin_4
Member Avatar for pwolf

Hello all, I have important files on my flash drive, and now i have discovered it is broken. I dont know what has caused it, and on none of the machines i've tested, did it show up at all. I'm guessing this means that the usb part of the device …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for davy_yg

How to run *.swf file ? I have installed adobe flash and still unable to run the *.swf movie by it self. What should I do ? I also have downloaded flash plugin.

Member Avatar for MsF.Shawahneh
Member Avatar for perrytje

Hello! I'm trying to code a C# server for flash apps, and I'm currently working on a broadcast function. When flash clients connect to the server they are added to the connClients list (List<TcpClient>), and with the following function I send the stuff to my flash apps: [CODE] public void …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for bashaash

Hi to all I got flash mp3 player from my friend and I wanna your help becuase I'm not well flash and my friend was moved to Africa, here the actionscripts 2.0 code. my question is I don't to use the plalist.xml file I want to use direct link in …

Member Avatar for cpchc

Hi there, I have encountered a strange bug. I have buttons advancing one frame forward and back. It works in the SWF on its own, it works in both the .app and .exe projector files, but it does not work accessing the SWF via the HTML generated page. Does anyone …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for vanessia_1999

Hi, I am not for sure if I am posting in the correct room. I have a flash photo gallery question. I am making a flash webpage using CS4 using a previous and next button. Both the previous and next button work but one problem. It does not stop at …

Member Avatar for vanessia_1999
Member Avatar for EddieC

With all this talk about cheaper laptops for the third world, it’s easy to miss how inexpensive memory has become for us members of the first. I once prophesized to a colleague that by the end of this decade, a terabyte hard drive would be available for less than US$100. …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for EddieC

Apple has done it again. This time with [URL= http://www.sproutcore.com/]SproutCore[/URL], a JavaScript framework that simplifies development of native-looking Web-based applications without the need for Flash or any other specialized runtime. Apple has reportedly contributed loads of resources to the project, which was originally developed by [URL= http://www.sproutit.com/]SproutIt[/URL] creator Charles Jolley. …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Sinju Moncy

We can provide an alternate GIF/PNG image, in case the user has no Adobe Flash installed and/or deactivated. <object id="flashcontent" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="550px" height="400px"> <param name="movie" value="myflashmovie.swf" /> <!--[if !IE]>--> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="myflashmovie.swf" width="550px" height="400px"> <!--<![endif]--> <p> Fallback or 'alternate' content goes here. This content will only be visible if the …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16395[/ATTACH]HTML5 is a young programming language, with a lot of promise. It has been lauded as the Flash replacement that will revolutionize the web and more importantly, the mobile web. But with so much speculation and excitement, it's hard to recognize the forest for the trees. Where did HTML5 come …

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The End.