chnamsv ,chprtsv , hostent ,ifconfig ,mknamsv ,no ,rmprtsv .... where all these tcp/ip commands are implemented.Is there any programming language that implements these commands or any network tool that uses these commands. please suggest me....

Those are not tcp/ip commands. Those are simply executables (of whatever form) for a specific OS whose purpose just happens to be in listing/verifying/modifying interface/network information.

In any case, every language has the ability to perform (at least most) of those actions, just not in a one method "here you go" method call. No language, AFAIK, has those processes as single-method "here you go" methods/functions.

Edit: As an example, all of the information listed in an ifconfig command is available in Java using the NetworkInterface class. You can't, AFAIK, change any of that info using that class, like you can with different options to ifconfig, but you can see it.

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