Hi, i need to school some C code. Requirements are:
Use in code some Functions with parameters, pointers, strucutres and global and private variables.

Dont you have some code for it? I havent time to do it.

Thank You very much.

Dont you have some code for it? I havent time to do it.

Me neither

>I havent time to do it.
I can only imagine what your professional life would be like:

Boss: Welcome to your new job!
You: Thanks!
Boss: Here's you're first assignment.
You: I haven't time to do it. You do it for me.
Boss: You're fired.

If you don't do your work, you suffer the consequences. From what I've seen, homework has vastly (VASTLY!!!!!) more reasonable deadlines than the real world, so if you don't have the time to do it, it means you were too damn lazy to get off your butt and get the job done when you did have enough time.

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