:?: Hi i am in my first C++ class and have already written two simple C++ programs. Im working on another using functions.

I have to write 3 functions to calculate the area, cost, and retail price for wooden boxes and a main function to have the user input information for the program and output the results.

main - prompts user for the type and dimensions of the box. I am also supposed to print out the money values with currency notation i used #include <iomanip>

here is what i have. I am still getting 8 errors and 4 warnings.

// David Shaw
// Lab 3 - Functions
// 02/18/05
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

float boxSurfaceArea (float, float, float);
float boxCost (int, float);
float boxPrice (int, float, float);

int main()
	// variables
	int type;
	float length;
	float width;
	float height;
	float surfaceArea;
	float cost;
	float price;


	// User input
	cout<<"Enter a number, (1, 2, 3, or 4) to select a boxType.\n " << endl;
	switch ( type ) 
	case 1:
	cout<<"Enter the length: ";

	cout<<"Enter the width: ";

	cout<<"Enter the height:";

	cout<<"Cost to produce the box is $"<<cost<<endl;
	cout<<"Price of the box is $"<<price<<endl;
	cout<<"The Area of the box is"  << surfaceArea << "sq. inches"<< endl;

	case 2:
	cout<<"Enter the length: ";

	cout<<"Enter the width: ";

	cout<<"Enter the height:";

	cout<<"Cost to produce the box is $"<<cost<<endl;
	cout<<"Price of the box is $"<<price<<endl;
	cout<<"The Area of the box is"  << surfaceArea << "sq. inches"<< endl;

	case 3:
	cout<<"Enter the length: ";

	cout<<"Enter the width: ";

	cout<<"Enter the height:";

	cout<<"Cost to produce the box is $"<<cost<<endl;
	cout<<"Price of the box is $"<<price<<endl;
	cout<<"The Area of the box is"  << surfaceArea << "sq. inches"<< endl;

	case 4:
	cout<<"Enter the length: ";

	cout<<"Enter the width: ";

	cout<<"Enter the height:";

	cout<<"Cost to produce the box is $"<<cost<<endl;
	cout<<"Price of the box is $"<<price<<endl;
	cout<<"The Area of the box is"  << surfaceArea << "sq. inches"<< endl;

	while (type != 0);


return 0;
// David Shaw 
// Lab 3 - boxSurfaceArea Function

float boxSurfaceArea(float length, float width, float height) //function for area of box. 

	float surfaceArea = 2 * ( (length * width) 
					+ (width * height) 
					+ (length * height) );
	return surfaceArea;
// David Shaw
// Lab 3 - boxPrice Function

float boxPrice (int type, float area, float cost) //Function prototype

		switch (type) {

		case 1: 
			price = (cost + (.25 * area)); 

		case 2:
			price = (.50 * area) + 5.25;
		case 3: 
			price = cost + (.36 * area) + 7.50;

		case 4: 
			price = cost + (.32 * area) + 6.25;


		while (type != 0)

	return price;
// David Shaw
// Lab 3 - boxCost Function

float boxCost (int type, float area)
	float cost = 0;

	switch (type) 

	case 1: 
			cost = (.11 * area)//Wood cost
				+ (.09 * area) //Labor cost
				 + (2.25); //Hardware cost 

	case 2: 
			cost = (.13 * area)//Wood cost
				 + (.11 * area) //Labor cost
				 + (3.15); //Hardware cost 

	case 3: 
			cost = (.14 * area)//Wood cost
				 + (.26 * area) //Labor cost
				 + (4.00); //Hardware cost 
	case 4: 
			cost = (.17 * area)//Wood cost
				 + (.22 * area) //Labor cost
				 + (4.95);//Hardware cost 

	while (type != 0)

	return cost;

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please post errors and warnings. We don't have to study code in that much detail with that information

Dave, you need to change your input loop and call your functions when you want to calculate area, cost and price. On cursory look, this is what I would recommend ...

// David Shaw
// Lab 3 - Functions
// 02/18/05

#include <iostream>
///#include <iomanip>  // not needed!

using namespace std;

float boxSurfaceArea (float, float, float);
float boxCost (int, float);
float boxPrice (int, float, float);

int main()
	// variables
	int type;
	float length;
	float width;
	float height;
	float surfaceArea;
	float cost;
	float price;
  type = 1;
	while (type > 0) 
  	// User input
  	cout << "Enter zero to exit or ..." << endl;  // added instruction!!
  	cout<<"Enter a number, (1, 2, 3, or 4) to select a boxType:" << endl;
    if (type == 0)  break; 
  	cout<<"Enter the length: ";

  	cout<<"Enter the width: ";

  	cout<<"Enter the height:";

  	surfaceArea = boxSurfaceArea(length, width, height); // call to function missing
  	cost = boxCost (type, surfaceArea);          // dito!
  	price = boxPrice (type, surfaceArea, cost);  // dito!
    cout<<"Cost to produce the box is $"<<cost<<endl;
  	cout<<"Price of the box is $"<<price<<endl;
  	cout<<"The Area of the box is "  << surfaceArea << " sq. inches"<< endl;
  	cout<<endl;   // one more new line, cosmetic! 
  }	// while loop
  return 0;

float boxSurfaceArea(float length, float width, float height) //function for area of box. 
	float surfaceArea = 2 * ( (length * width) 
					+ (width * height) 
					+ (length * height) );
	return surfaceArea;

float boxPrice (int type, float area, float cost) //Function prototype
  float price;    // price needs to be declared!
		switch (type) {

		case 1: 
			price = (cost + (.25 * area)); 

		case 2:
			price = (.50 * area) + 5.25;
		case 3: 
			price = cost + (.36 * area) + 7.50;

		case 4: 
			price = cost + (.32 * area) + 6.25;


		//while (type != 0)  // missing ; and what is this doing here?

	return price;

float boxCost (int type, float area)
	float cost = 0;

	switch (type) 

	case 1: 
			cost = (.11 * area)//Wood cost
				+ (.09 * area) //Labor cost
				 + (2.25); //Hardware cost 

	case 2: 
			cost = (.13 * area)//Wood cost
				 + (.11 * area) //Labor cost
				 + (3.15); //Hardware cost 

	case 3: 
			cost = (.14 * area)//Wood cost
				 + (.26 * area) //Labor cost
				 + (4.00); //Hardware cost 
	case 4: 
			cost = (.17 * area)//Wood cost
				 + (.22 * area) //Labor cost
				 + (4.95);//Hardware cost 

	while (type != 0)

	return cost;

Made a few corrections. You may want to put a check in for inputs that go past expected values, and give the user a hint what the dimensions are (inches etc.). Otherwise looks good, and runs well with Dev-C++!

Thanks for the help. Next time i will ask my teacher more and post errors if i still cant figure out a problem.

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